
  • 网络Prudential;Prudential PLC
  1. 在加入RAPP亚洲之前,KP曾是英国保诚集团亚洲(保险)区域客户情报总监。

    Prior to joining RAPP Asia , KP was Prudential Corporation Asia ( Insurance ) Regional Customer Intelligence Director .

  2. 根据英国保诚集团的统计,英国人一生中在音乐方面的消费人均为21270英镑。

    According to research by UK finance company Prudential , the average person in the UK spends ¡ê 21,270 on music over a lifetime !

  3. 马克•塔克尔(杜嘉祺),英国保险公司保诚集团的前负责人,被任命为AIG集团亚洲分公司AIA(美国友邦保险公司)的新总裁。

    Mark Tucker , a former head of Prudential , a British insurer , was appointed the new boss of AIA , the Asian arm of American International Group .

  4. 英国寿险公司保诚集团(Prudential)表示,看到该公司今年在亚洲发行的一笔7.5亿美元混合融资项目被热捧后,将把亚洲视为一个资金来源地,并可能在当地筹资。

    Prudential will look to Asia as a source of capital and could raise equity there after the UK-based life assurance company saw big demand for a $ 750m hybrid capital raising in the region this year .