
  • 网络EF Education;English First;education first;EF Education First
  1. 根据英孚教育的报告,中国人在认为自身英语能力足够熟练精通之前仍需加把劲。

    China still has a way to go before it can consider itself adequately proficient in English , 'according to English First BV .

  2. 在英孚教育(一个语言培训公司)公布的英语水平指数测试中,中国女性的得分要比男性高3分。

    Chinese women scored three points higher than men in the English Proficiency Index released by EF Education , a language training company .

  3. 从小学到大学,中国人花在英语学习上的时间超过2000个小时,却仍不会说,中国英语教学市场领头羊EF英孚教育(EFEnglishFirst)的发言人陈明(音译)表示。

    People in China , from primary school to university , spend more than 2,000 hours learning English but still cannot speak [ it ] , says Ming Chen , spokesperson for EF English First , the Chinese market leader in English instruction .

  4. 余下的选手当中,前两名将由英孚教育集团赞助,被选送到英国国际知名语言学校进行为期两周的修学访问.

    Among the remaining contestants , the top two will be awarded a two-week training course in an international language school in Britain sponsored by EF Education .

  5. 是的,今年的比赛由中国日报社和爱立信(中国)有限公司主办,国际英语联合会和中国高校英语口语协会协办,赞助单位有英孚教育集团,北京电视台,新加坡时代出版集团,上海外语教育出版社以及培生出版集团.

    That 's right . This year 's competition is organized by the China Daily and Ericsson China Company Limited , Coordinted by the Enlish Speaking Union and China University English speaking Association , and Co-sponsored by EF Education , Beijing Television , Times Publishing Group of Singapore , Shanghai Foreign Laguage Education Press , and pierson Education .