
  • 网络open university;UK Open University;british open university
  1. 目前,在英国开放大学,许多课程已利用Internet作为某个教学环节的传输工具,但是,完全的网络课程还只占很少的比例。

    In the Open University in Britain , many courses have been using internet as the transmission tool in certain segment of the courses . But the complete internet courses only take up a small proportion .

  2. 关注英国开放大学的学习支持服务

    Learning support services of the Open University in the United Kingdom

  3. 大学的诞生&英国开放大学筹建史话

    The Genesis of the British Open University : A Narrative History

  4. 英国开放大学发展研究

    On the Development of the Open University of the United Kingdom

  5. 英国开放大学质量保证体制的研究

    Study on the Quality Guarantee System of British Open Universities

  6. 英国开放大学的办学特色和启示

    Education Characteristics of British Open University and Its Enlightenment

  7. 进入21世纪,英国开放大学制定了2002-2012年战略计划。

    British open universities has made 2002-2012 strategic plan after entering 21st century .

  8. 英国开放大学经费结构与财务机制分析

    An Analysis of the Financial Structure of Open University of the United Kingdom

  9. 由英国开放大学开放法学教育所引发的思考

    The thinking arising from Open University 's opening education of law in Britain

  10. 借鉴英国开放大学经验提高我国网络高等教育质量

    Use Experience of UK Open University Experience , Improve China 's Network Higher-Education Quality

  11. 英国开放大学发展战略探析

    Probe into British Open Universities ' Developing Strategies

  12. 获得支持的开放学习&英国开放大学的成功实践及其启示

    " Supported Open Learning " & Successful Practice and Its Inspiration of British Open University

  13. 英国开放大学的学习支持服务系统颇为完善。

    The Open University in the United Kingdom has an excellent learning support services system .

  14. 英国开放大学观感

    Impressions on the Open University of UK

  15. 英国开放大学质量保证的经验及其对我们的启示

    The Secret Of the Quality Assurance Of UK Open University and its Revelation to Us

  16. 英国开放大学是当今世界远程教育的典范。

    Nowadays , United Kingdom open university is a model of the distance education in world .

  17. 英国开放大学是应用这些原则的成功典范。

    The Open University is the m ost successful exemplars of the use of these principles .

  18. 英国开放大学的创建被公认为英国教育在20世纪的创举。

    The set-up of British open universities is considered publicly as a creation in the 20th century .

  19. 英国开放大学作为一所获得巨大成功的远程开放大学,它的学习支持服务系统建设值得借鉴。

    The Open Universitys student learning support services deserve to be studied as a successful example in this area .

  20. 英国开放大学能源和环境研究室主任戴夫·利奥特教授问道。

    Asks Professor Dave Elliott , the director of the energy and environment research unit at the Open University .

  21. 这类经典远程教育的实践代表首推广泛使用印刷和广播技术的英国开放大学。

    The most salient realizations of this form of distance education have been open universities using print and broadcast technologies .

  22. 每天无论是在南非约翰内斯堡的课堂里还是英国开放大学或肯尼亚教育部,人们都要选择媒体。

    Media choices are made every day , in Johannesburg classrooms and within vast systems like the Open University or the Kenyan Ministry of Education .

  23. 英国开放大学以它出色的远程开放教育体系及英国举足轻重的人才资源宝库而享誉全球。

    The UK Open University is famous for its excellent open distance education system in the world and a decisive force for training talented persons in Britain .

  24. 本文以质量建设为切入口主要阐述了英国开放大学在保证质量和保持开放中取得的成功经验,并提出对于推动我国电大教育改革及创新的建议。

    The Open University of the United Kingdom has been the most successful model in this area , marking a cultural and political change in British higher education .

  25. 以开放、人本、服务为核心理念的英国开放大学学习支持得到国际远程教育界的广泛认同。

    An open university ( OU ) UK supported by learning with the openness , people-based and service as a core concept , is universally recognized by international distance education .

  26. 英国开放大学&专门化开放教育机构的最终诞生和蓬勃发展,标志着英国开放教育发展的新高峰。

    The final establishment of UKOU ( The Open University in UK ), a professional open body and its vigorous growth symbolize a new height of open education in UK .

  27. 2003年,英国开放大学在教学项目评估中,名列全国100多所大学的第6位,她们是如何建立起质量声誉的呢?

    In 2003 , Uk Open University got the sixth place in more than 100 universities over the country in the teaching project evaluation . How have they set up their quality reputation ?

  28. 英国开放大学的成功对世界远程教育产生了深远的影响,英国开放大学的质量保证模式为世界众多的远程教育大学所吸收和借鉴。

    The network distance education today can be greatly attributed to the success of the Open University in British , whose quality assurance systems has been the paradigm for the other network universities .

  29. 结合英国开放大学的成功经验,论述了开放大学在21世纪的重要性及开放大学的服务对象、应该教些什么、应该如何教学、应该在何处教。

    Combining successful experience of British Open University , it discusses the importance of OU and objects of its service in the 21st Century . It expounds what to teach , how to teach and where to teach .

  30. 英国开放大学办学的成功依赖于高质量的多媒体教材、认真而详尽的教师指导、完善的学习支持服务系统和严格的质量保证体系。

    The success of United Kingdom Open University depends on its top - quality multimedia teaching materials , carefully and elaborately directing of teachers , perfect study - support service system and strict system of quality - guaranteeing .