
  • 网络British American Tobacco;British-American Tobacco;British American Tobacco PLC
  1. 主要的烟草公司,例如英美烟草集团以及菲利普莫里斯公司则否认这一指控。

    Leading tobacco companies , such as British-American Tobacco and Philip Morris , deny these charges .

  2. 那场价值500万美元的反对运动据称是由香烟经销店店店主集资的,但事实上部分资金还是来自英美烟草集团和帝国烟草公司。

    The $ 5 million campaign , purporting to come from small store owners , was also partly financed by British American and Imperial Tobacco .

  3. 他补充说,鉴于以上提及的挑战,英美烟草集团预计今年剩余时间的前景最好将保持令人满意的状态。

    He added that the group expected the outlook for the remainder of the year to remain satisfactory at best , given the challenges above .