
  1. 白沙集团是十目的客户。

    Baisha Group is the client of MOWOM Certification Limited .

  2. 当时,微软和十目认证高调宣布结成战略合作伙伴,为白沙集团提供信息化服务。

    Then , Microsoft and MOWOM Certification Limited announced that they will provide information-based services for Baisha Group together .

  3. 万源市白沙水泥集团公司

    Wanyuan Baisha Cement Group Corp

  4. 对白沙煤电集团公司诸突出矿井的突出特点进行了简要的总结;

    This paper briefly summarized the outburst characteristics of the outburst mines in Baisha Coal and Electricity Group ;

  5. 今年5月,奥运会跨栏冠军刘翔因代言白沙烟草集团而遭到指责。

    In May , Olympic champion hurdler Liu Xiang came under fire for signing a deal with the Baisha corporation , a tobacco giant .