
  1. 随着我国人事制度改革的不断深入,人事考试已是一个参考人数众多、涉及面广的社会化考试。

    With the development of the reform of personnel system in China , personnel examination is already a social examination with large number of test takers and wide scope .

  2. 高等教育自学考试制度是一种社会化的考试制度和教育形式,是向全社会开放的没有围墙的大学,与其他教育形式相比,具有最大的开放性。

    Self-study examination of higher education is a socialized examination system and education form . Self-study examination of higher education is open to the whole society without barriers .

  3. 教育网络不仅为学校的教育教学提供基础保障,也更多的承担起社会化教学及在线考试的重任,因此,教育网络安全性显得越来越重要。

    Education network not only provide a basis for teaching in schools to protect , but also to assume more social responsibilities of teaching and online examinations , and therefore its security is increasingly important .

  4. 尤其是对于考试的主力军&学生来说,他们正处于社会化过程中,考试的消极作用对他们的影响是深远的,影响着他们的身心健康和社会化进程。

    In particular , the main force for the examination - students , they are in the process of socialization , the examination of the negative effect of their influence is far-reaching , affecting their physical , mental and social process .