
  • 网络social labor;Social Labour;community service
  1. 社会劳动关系是直接影响社会、企业、家庭和人与人之间的关系。

    Social labor relations may influence the relations between society , enterprises , families and people directly .

  2. 残疾人参加社会劳动和就业的权利得到政府的高度重视。

    The Chinese government attaches great importance to the rights of the disabled to social labor and employment .

  3. 社会劳动生产率按现价增加值计算。

    Labor productivity is calculated by added value at current price .

  4. 一种社会劳动实际投入量的测定方法及应用

    One Estimating Methods on Actual Quantity of Used Social Labour and Application

  5. 社会劳动问题是社会经济结构变迁的核心问题。

    Labour is the core issue in the changes of socio-economic structure .

  6. 设计价值是体现在设计成果里的社会劳动。

    Design value is embodied in social labour of the designing achievements .

  7. 两种社会劳动生产率影响因素测定模型的比较与分析

    Comparing and Analysing on the Two Models of Affecting Factors in Labour Productivity

  8. 浅谈对社会主义社会劳动的研究与认识

    Talk on Research and Knowledge of Socialism Social Work

  9. 社会主义社会劳动是社会主义经济学领域中的一个基础性课题。

    Social labour of socialism is a basic research subject in socialistic economics .

  10. 行政救助&构建和谐社会劳动关系的润滑剂

    Administration salvage & the lubricant for setting up the labor relation of harmonious society

  11. 社会劳动创造价值之我见

    Creating Value by Social Labour as I see

  12. 论职业技术教育与社会劳动的关系

    On the Relationship between Vocational Education and Labor

  13. 人类意识和智力是社会劳动的产物;

    It includes two points : man 's consciousness and intelligence are the production of labor ;

  14. 家务劳动被视为第三产业服务,属于社会劳动,能够创造价值。

    Household is regarded as the tertiary services , as social work , can create value .

  15. 私人劳动与社会劳动

    Individual labour and social labour

  16. 经过问题化建构之后,社会劳动问题的核心可以归结为劳动权问题。

    After the issue of building , the core of social problems can be attributed to labour rights .

  17. 但是,劳动没有价值的认识与今日社会劳动采取等价交换形式的现实相冲突。

    This conception , however , is contrary to the actual exchange of labor at equal values today .

  18. 这一新的科学论断,是深化对社会主义社会劳动和劳动价值理论研究的结果。

    That new scientific thesis is the result of deepening the research to the socialist labor and labor axiology .

  19. 本文从社会劳动分工理论入手,认为合作是组织分工存在的基础,交易是社会分工深化的根本。

    Cooperation is considered as the basis of organization division and the transaction is the fundamentality of social division .

  20. 同时,这便也是在创造一种社会劳动文化和构筑一种人类社会的文明。

    Meanwhile , it is also in creating a social labor culture and build a kind of human society civilization .

  21. 这就使人难以把握马克思关于社会劳动时间论述的全部变化,只能把握其部分。

    People partially comprehend and are difficult to grasp the whole variation of the statement on the social necessary labor-time .

  22. 这就解释了为什么女性进入社会劳动中,即“公共领域”,仍未能使她们得到解放。

    That explain why women 's entry into the workforce , the " public sphere ", has not resulted liberation .

  23. 一部法律的设立都是在解决社会劳动生活实践的过程中实现的。

    All of establishing of laws is laboring in the solution society to live what fulfillment of the process inside practice .

  24. 和谐社会劳动关系评价指标体系构建及对甘肃的分析

    The Establishment of Evaluation Index System for Harmonious Social Labor Relation and the Analysis of the Social Labor Relation in Gansu

  25. 劳参率是一个社会劳动参与情况的重要指标。

    Labor participation rate is one of the most important index that reflect status of people participate laboring in one society .

  26. 创业作为一种有效的增加社会劳动机会,促进经济繁荣的经济活动,已经越来越受到社会的重视。

    Entrepreneurial activity is paid more and more attention to for its effectiveness to increase employment rate and promote economic growth .

  27. 无形资产的价值量由无形资产使用后所节约的社会劳动量决定,但这种经济关系并不能直接运用于无形资产的估价,它只是为无形资产评估值的确定提供了一种依据。

    Intangible assets ' magnitude of value is decided by reduced magnitude of labor after intangible assets are put into use .

  28. 伤害主要影响社会劳动人群,因此,开展职业伤害、儿童伤害和交通伤害的预防的预防和控制工作已刻不容缓。

    And injury was most effect the main labor population . It is urgent to develop the injury prevention and control program .

  29. 目的定量描述营养不良带来的社会劳动生产力损失及其对经济发展消极影响。

    Objective To measure the social productivity loss and negative effect to economic development due to malnutrition in view of quantitative analysis .

  30. 它能使劳动力得到恢复,是从事其它社会劳动的前提,是整个社会劳动的基础。

    It can be labor Recovery , it is engaged in other social work premise is the basis of the social work .