
  • 网络community business
  1. 成员参与动机对虚拟社区商业模式的影响

    Effect of Members'Participation Motive on the Virtual Community Business Model

  2. 顺德城区不同类型社区商业规划设计研究

    Shunde City Different Type Community Business Planning Design Research

  3. 市交通局发言人斯科特·加斯特尔(ScottGastel)称,他们对人行横道上行人的行为进行了研究,在全市100处街头地点对社区商业走廊的长期趋势进行了追踪。

    Scott Gastel , a spokesman for the Transportation Department , said the department had conducted research into pedestrian behavior at crosswalks and had monitored pedestrian volumes at 100 street locations around the city to track long-term trends in neighborhood commercial corridors .

  4. 社区商业是城市商业发展的重要内容。

    Community commerce is an important part of city commerce development .

  5. 南通社区商业现状分析和发展对策探讨

    Analysis and Suggestion on the Development of Community Commerce in Nantong

  6. 高校社区商业空间与城市商业空间结构互动研究

    Interaction Research on Community Colleges and Urban Commercial Space Commercial Space Structure

  7. 我国城市社区商业的空间布局模式探讨

    Discussion on the Modes of Spatial Layout in China 's Urban Community Business

  8. 社区商业在设计中应关注与居住生活的规划布局。

    Design of community commerce shall be combined with residential planning and layout .

  9. 新建社区商业街规划与设计研究

    Research of New Community Commercial Street Planning & Design

  10. 社区商业投资模式构建研究

    Study on Set-up the Community Business Investment Mode

  11. 城市社区商业无论是功能还是商品都有别于商业中心。

    Community business is quite different compared with business center from functions to commodities .

  12. 社区商业与居住生活区的规划布局分析

    Planning Layout Analysis of Community Commercial Residential Areas

  13. 社区商业文化价值的开发

    Opening the Value of Community Commercial Culture

  14. 社区商业中心建设初探

    On construction of community commercial centers

  15. 广州郊区大型居住社区商业场所的研究

    A Probe into the Commercial Locus of the Big Residence Community in the Suburbs of Canton

  16. 社区商业经营活动的过程就是社区商业文化形成的过程。

    The process of management of community commerce is a process of the formation of the culture .

  17. 一些原有的老社区商业如何跟上城市发展潮流,实现升级转型?

    How to realize upgrading and transforming to keep up with the development trend of the city ?

  18. 社区商业设施满意度测评指标体系实证研究&以北京市为例

    An Empirical Study on Satisfaction Evaluating Scale System for Community Business Facilities & Taking Beijing as Example

  19. 社区商业问题探讨

    A Study of Community Commerce

  20. 商业地产涉及到集中商业、专业市场、街区商业、社区商业四种类型。

    The commercial real estate contains centralized business , specialized market , street commerce , and community commerce .

  21. 转型中的中国城市社区商业发展问题研究&基于浙江省城市社区商业的思考

    Research on China 's Urban Community Commerce in Transition & Based on Urban Community Commerce in Zhejiang Province

  22. 主要表现在社区商业的经营地域、服务目的和服务对象三个方面。

    This can be seen in the three aspects of business domain , purpose of service and service targets .

  23. 2005年5月,商务部下发了《关于加快我国社区商业发展的指导意见》。

    May in 2005 , the Ministry of Commerce delivered 《 Guiding Opinions on Accelerating Community Commercial Development 》 .

  24. 本文基于居民视角,开发了一组用于测评社区商业设施满意度的量表体系并对其进行了实证检验。

    This study develops a scale system of satisfaction evaluating community business facilities in residents'perspective , which is made empirically .

  25. 从而为北京市加快旧城区的社区商业发展奠定了坚实的理论和实践基础。

    Thereby , it establish the firm theoretical and practical foundation for improving the community commerce of the old city .

  26. 社区商业是以社区为依托开展商业经营,主要目的是服务社区居民,满足其服务需求。

    Community commerce is based on the community with its aim of serving the community residents and satisfying their needs .

  27. 社区商业作为一种城市生活形态&以联洋社区大拇指广场为例

    Community Commerce Serves as One Kind of Civil Living style Instanced by the Thumb Plaze in " Lianyang Community "

  28. 因此本研究可以作为在高校社区商业与城市商业网点的规划建设中重要的理论补充。

    Thus this study can be important theoretical added in the urban planning of college community business and urban commercial replenish .

  29. 首先介绍了宝山社区商业的历史和现状。

    Firstly , in this paper , there is a introduction of the history and actuality of the community commerce in Baoshan .

  30. 为搞好社区商业,必须树立正确的营销观念,准确的营销定位,合理确定营销组合策略。

    In order to improve the community commerce marketing , we must build right marketing concept , decide marketing position and marketing mix tactics accurately .