
  • 网络Social Security Tax
  1. 我国社会保障税税制设计的若干问题分析

    An Analysis of Several Problems of Designation on Social Security Tax

  2. 社会保障税的重复征税问题研究

    A Research on the Overlapping Tax of the Social Security Tax

  3. 我国开征社会保障税若干问题的探讨

    The Introduction of Social Security Tax on a Number of Questions

  4. 我国开征社会保障税的法律制度设计

    The Design of the Legal System of Chinese Social Security Tax

  5. 我国开征社会保障税法律问题研究

    On Legal Issues of Levying Social Security Tax in Our Country

  6. 然而建立社会保障税制度是一个明智的选择。

    Establish the social security tax system is a wise choice .

  7. 关于我国社会保障税的设立原则及设计思考

    Principles and Assumption on the Construction of Social Security Tax in China

  8. 浅议我国开征社会保障税

    A brief analysis of levying social ensuring taxes in China

  9. 社会保障税的特点及经济效应分析

    Analysis of the character and economic effect of the social security tax

  10. 构建我国社会保障税法律制度的思考

    Reflections on the Establishment of the Legal System for Social Security Tax

  11. 二是社会保障税的公平负担问题;

    The second is the fairness of social security tax ;

  12. 开征社会保障税的必要性和可行性分析

    An Analysis of Necessity and Feasibility of Levying on Social Security Tax

  13. 阐释一个完备的社会保障税制度。

    Interpretation of a complete social security tax system .

  14. 三是社会保障税对经济的调节功能问题。

    The third is its function of adjusting economy .

  15. 第三部分介绍了社会保障税及社会保障号的相关情况。

    The third part is about Social Security tax and Social Security Number .

  16. 因此,社会保障税应该尽快出台。

    Therefore , the social security tax should be as soon as possible .

  17. 社会保障税与社会保障制度优化

    Social Security Tax and the Optimization of Social Security

  18. 社会保障税是取得社会保障资金的主要来源。

    Social security tax is the main source of the social security fund .

  19. 社会保障税是世界上大多数国家普遍开征的税种,各国的社会保障税实践提供了许多经验教训。

    Levying social guarantee taxes is an international practice .

  20. 我国社会保障税征收及其模型设计研究

    Research on Levy in Social Security Tax and Tax Model Design in China

  21. 中国开征社会保障税的框架设计

    On the Design of Chinese Social Security Tax System

  22. 目前,开征社会保障税已是大势所趋。

    At present the implement of social security taxies is the trend of times .

  23. 论社会保障税开征必须考虑的因素

    On Factors That Should be Considered in the Process of Imposing Social Security Tax

  24. 改革的当务之急是开征社会保障税。

    Reformation is to impose social security tax .

  25. 开征社会保障税与完善社会保障制度的思考

    Solicit the Thought of the Perfect Social Security System and Tax of Social Security Open

  26. 当前我国开征社会保障税的必要性

    Levying the Social Security Tax Is Imperative

  27. 开征社会保障税有关问题的思考

    On Problems Of Levying Social Security Tax

  28. 如果国会不采取行动的话,2012年将再次征收全额社会保障税。

    Unless Congress acts , full Social Security taxes will be collected once again in2012 .

  29. 中国研究开征社会保障税。

    China considers social security tax .

  30. 社会保障税的几个理论问题

    Theoretical Problems on Social Security Tax