
  • 网络social enterprise;Social Business
  1. 公交企业既是社会效益型企业,也是经济效益型企业,社会效益是其立足之本,经济效益是其生存之需。

    Enterprise of public transport is not only a social enterprise , but also the economic efficiency business enterprise , social benefit is the base and the economic benefit is its survival .

  2. 为进一步实现普惠金融的目标,提出现有的金融机构应该改进缺陷,发挥各自独特的优势,与社会型金融企业形成互利合作的网络。

    Following that in order to achieve inclusive financial objectives better , table a proposal that existing rural financial institutions should improve their defects , reveal their unique advantages , to form a net of mutually beneficial cooperation with social financial enterprises .

  3. 双性化组大学生的职业兴趣更加广泛,他们对现实型、社会型、研究型以及企业型都是有偏好的,因此他们有更多的职业兴趣和职业选择空间。

    Double sex of college students ' professional interest in the group of reality more widely , they type , social type , research and the entrepreneurial are preferences , so they have more professional interest and career choice space .

  4. 一方面,高校教育模式和专业课程设置未能与社会人才市场形成对接,与社会各型企业未形成长效产学研合作模式,导致大学生实习实践能力缺乏。

    On one hand , the pattern of higher education and professional curriculum failed to form a butt joint with social HR market , and is not shaped growth effect cooperative mode among enterprise in society , which led to the lack of ability to practice for college students .