
  • 网络Social Capital;society capital;social capita
  1. 对校园SNS用户人际互动与其掌握社会资本相关性的实证研究

    Empirical Study on Relativity between Interpersonal Interaction and Social Capital , Based on Campus SNS Network

  2. “格拉斯哥的许多地区都在遭遇失业,一直没有新的替代岗位,社会资本出现了下滑,”Burns如是说。他补充道,他的目标是减少由此造成的健康不公平状况。

    " Many parts of Glasgow have suffered loss of jobs which have never been replaced and the social capital has been degraded ," Burns says , adding that he aims to reduce the resulting health inequities .

  3. 基于森林会计、专业统计与绿色GDP核算的统一问题,人力资本、社会资本纳入绿色GDP核算问题,以及绿色林业政策问题将是该领域未来的主要研究方向。

    Future study direction of this field will be harmony among accounting , professional statistics and green GDP accounting for forestry , bringing human capital and society capital into system of green GDP accounting , and green forestry policy .

  4. 企业与客户间社会资本的认知维度对KIBS中小企业关于客户的知识获取有正向的显著影响,但是对KIBS中小企业客户拥有的知识获取的正向影响关系没有得到支持。

    The cognitive dimension of social capital between the firm and customer has significant and positive effect on knowledge about customer acquisition of SME of KIBS , while the hypothesis of which has positive effect on knowledge from customer acquisition of SME of KIBS is not supported .

  5. 但目前,对社会资本的论述并没有一个统一的定义,许多学者提出了不同的定义。

    However , there still has no uniform definition about it .

  6. 这一现象与资本市场中社会资本流向所反映的投资预期并不相符。

    This phenomenon does not correspond to the capital investment expected .

  7. 转型期农村社区社会资本研究

    The Study of Rural Community Social Capital in the Social Transition

  8. 我们认为社会资本可能是一个非常重要的替代机制。

    Our evidences show that social capital is the right mechanism .

  9. 社会资本与经济发展:理论脉络与争辩

    Social Capital and Economic Development : Theoretical Evolution and Debates

  10. 五是鼓励社会资本举办医疗机构。

    Fifth , we will encourage nongovernmental investors to establish medical institutions .

  11. 社会资本与下岗职工再就业的个案研究

    Case Study on Social Capital and Laid-off Workers ' Reemployment

  12. 医院吸收社会资本的可行性研究

    The Feasibility Research of How Hospitals Can Draw the Capital From Society

  13. 构建组织社会资本促进远程高等教育的发展

    Promoting Development of Distance Higher Education by Building up Institutional Social Capital

  14. 单位制解体中的社会资本重构

    The Reconstruction of Social Capital in the Disintegration of System of Unit

  15. 第四章:社会资本的主体。

    Chapter Four : the main body of Social capital .

  16. 鼓励社会资本参与现有医院转制。

    Encourage social capital to participate conversion of existing hospitals . 3 .

  17. 社会资本视角下中国善治问题研究

    Studies of Chinese Good-Governance in the sight of Social-Capital Theory

  18. 家庭社会资本与青少年犯罪行为关系探究

    Analysis of Relationship between Family Social Capital and Behavior of Juvenile Crimes

  19. 宁波和谐社区建设中的社会资本考察

    A Probe into the Social Capital in Harmonious Community Building of Ningbo

  20. 人力资本、社会资本与劳动者收入决定

    Human Capital and Social capital and Laborer 's Income

  21. 社会资本、政治关系与公司投资决策

    Social Capital , Political Connections and Corporate Investment Decision

  22. 社会资本、人力资本与内生经济增长

    Social Capital , Human Capital and Endogenous Economic Growth

  23. 社会资本是新经济社会学的核心概念之一。

    Social capital is one of the core concepts of New Economic Sociology .

  24. 国家介入与邻里社会资本的生成

    State Intervention in the Creation of Neighborhood Social Capital

  25. 社会资本结构与中小企业创新&一项基于结构方程模型的实证研究

    The Social Capital Structure , and the Innovation in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  26. 关系网络:少数民族迁移者城市就职中的社会资本

    Network : Social Capital Used by Immigrants in Seeking Jobs in Urban Areas

  27. 当前我国农村弱势群体面临的社会资本困境

    The Dilemma of Social Capital Confronting Rural Vulnerable Groups

  28. 社会资本与妇女农民工就业

    Social Capital and the Employment of Female Peasant Laborers

  29. 中国体制转轨过程中的社会资本积累

    On the Accumulation of Social Capital in the Process of Chinese System Transformation

  30. 而文化资本主要是通过社会资本起作用。

    And cultural capital works mainly through social capital .