
  • 网络global product
  1. 然而,当舒尔茨向星巴克全球产品主管直接下令&“撤掉三明治!”

    Yet when Schultz issued a direct order to Starbucks ' head of global products & " get the sandwiches out ! "

  2. 全球经济一体化进程的迅速发展和新兴市场的形成,使越来越多的产品在更广阔的范围进行流通,甚至作为全球产品在世界范围运输销售。

    With the rapid process of global economy incorporated and new markets formed , more and more products are circulated in wider scope , even as global products transported and sold in the world .

  3. 阿斯利康全球产品组合及产品战略执行副总裁卢克猠尔斯(LukeMiels)称,随着中国当局不断简化制度,监管环境正在改善。

    Luke Miels , head of global product and portfolio strategy for AstraZeneca , says the regulatory environment is improving as authorities streamline the system .

  4. 通用汽车全球产品开发执行副总裁马克o罗伊斯声称,FNR将“在你工作时为你处理琐事,或是自己开到经销商那里维修,为车主省事。”

    The FNR could " run errands for you while you 're at work , or take itself to the dealer for service so you don 't have to , " says Mark Reuss , GM executive vice president of global product development .

  5. 拉什·奈尔是福特全球产品开发集团的负责人。

    Raj Nair is Ford 's head of Global Product Development .

  6. 目前她还是全球产品开发的高级副总裁。

    She is currently the senior vice-president for global product development .

  7. 职务:全球产品开发、全球采购和供应链执行副总裁

    Executive vice president global product development Global Purchasing Supply Chain

  8. 虽然葡萄酒似乎成为全球产品,但在市场操作的背后有很大的文化差异。

    Although wine appears to become a '' global product '', there are important cultural differences underlying the marketing approaches .

  9. 通用汽车说,将把凯迪拉克的全球产品阵容引入中国,从现在起到2016年每年增加一款车型。

    GM has said it would bring Cadillac 's global portfolio to China by adding one model per year through 2016 .

  10. 那时我们在全世界还没有听说过这种情况,在我们全球产品线中也还没有这样的头发护理产品。

    Globally , we had not heard this nor did we have a variant in our global line-up of hair-care products .

  11. 当时美国国会希望刺激中国对全球产品的需求,从而抵消世界其它地区大萧条的影响。

    Congress wanted to stimulate global demand from China to offset the effects of the depression in the rest of the world .

  12. 低工资、可传播的技术、进入全球产品及金融市场的能力,这些因素结合,引发了这些国家经济的爆炸型增长。

    The combination of low wages , diffusible technology and the ability to access global product and financial markets has fuelled an economic explosion .

  13. 识别特殊应用中的关键特质,配合公司全球产品部门,确保所提供的产品符合客户需求。

    Identify key property attributes for specific applications and coordinate with company 's global production sites to ensure the product supplied meets customer 's needs .

  14. 品牌战略:致力以建筑涂料为主体,覆盖全球产品的中高档油漆、涂料综合品牌。

    Brand strategy : to paint as the main body of the construction , covering the world of high-end products , paint , paint a comprehensive brand .

  15. 敏捷制造作为21世纪的制造企业战略,是一种适合全球产品市场快速变化的新型制造模式。

    As the strategy of manufacturing enterprises in the 21st century , agile manufacturing is a new - type manufacturing mode adaptable to international product market environment .

  16. 目前的研究大多涵盖多个领域展开,如开放式创新、创新网络、集成创新、全球产品开发、虚拟团队、外包与众包的研究等。

    Most researches have been covering many fields such as Open Innovation , Innovation Network , Integrated Innovation , Global Product Development , Virtual Team , Outsourcing and Multiple Outsourcing .

  17. 中美贸易的迅速发展离不开全球产品内分工与贸易,作为当今国际分工中的新形式,产品内分工主导着中美产品内贸易。

    The rapid development of Sino-US trade is inseparable from global Intra-product division of labor and trade , which as a new form in the international division of labor , dominates Sino-US trade .

  18. 据了解,在谷歌全球产品的研发与测试阶段,中国市场扮演如此重要的角色尚属首次。

    As we have learned , in the research and development of product of cereal song whole world and test phase , chinese market acts so important role to still be belonged to first .

  19. 全球电子产品生产巨头思科系统公司的主席约翰·钱伯斯说“我们和市场转型竞争,而不是和对手竟争。”

    John Chambers , chairman of Cisco Systems Inc. , a worldwide leader in electronics products , says that " we compete against market transitions , not competitors . "

  20. 这是中国秉持人类卫生健康共同体理念、履行自身承诺推动疫苗成为全球公共产品的一个重要举措。

    This is an important step China has taken to uphold the concept of a shared community of health for all and to honor its commitment of turning COVID-19 vaccines2 into a global public good .

  21. 贝恩资本去年还出售了2007年收购的全球卫厨产品供应商美标(AmericanStandard)的亚洲资产。

    Bain Capital also last year sold the Asian assets of American Standard , the global bathroom and kitchen products supplier , which it acquired in 2007 .

  22. 全球农产品价格料将上涨。此前,美国农业部(DepartmentofAgriculture)在其最新市场数据中强调,玉米、小麦和大豆的库存低于预期。

    The world faces higher agricultural commodity prices after the US Department of Agriculture highlighted smaller-than-expected stocks of corn , wheat and soyabeans in its latest market update .

  23. 20国集团(g20)即将做出一项尝试:通过收集整理全球农产品库存和产量方面的更详尽的市场信息,来降低农产品价格的波动性。

    The G20 group of leading nations is to launch an attempt to reduce price volatility in agricultural commodities by collating greater market information on global stocks and production .

  24. 他们对未来有着令人惊异的乐观心态,吉百利全球巧克力产品负责人巴拉特普里(BharatPuri)表示。

    And they have an amazing optimism about the future , says Bharat Puri , global chocolate category director for Cadbury .

  25. 据美国官员介绍,全球IT产品贸易价值约为每年4万亿美元,而新版ITA在生效后将影响其中1万亿美元的贸易。

    The global trade in IT products is worth about $ 4tn annually , according to US officials , and the ITA will affect $ 1tn of that trade when it comes into force .

  26. 日本商社丸红(Marubeni)以逾50亿美元,押注于未来几年中国将成为玉米净进口国,且这一过程将改变全球农产品市场格局。

    Marubeni , the Japanese trading house , has bet more than $ 5bn that China will become a net importer of corn for years to come , in the process reshaping the global market for agricultural commodities markets .

  27. 近年来,全球农产品价格上涨引起各方面的关注。

    In recent years , global agricultural prices have aroused concern .

  28. 这是全球金融产品提供商的巨大机遇。

    It is a tremendous opportunity for product providers around the world .

  29. 在加入皇冠,他是集团副总裁兼全球消费产品索诺科产品公司。

    S.food can business and later was promoted to President of that division .

  30. 雅芳股票上升模式的形成,该公司为全球美容产品生产商。

    Topping pattern forming on Avon , the global manufacturer of beauty products .