
  1. 为了确保收入不继续呈下降趋势,国内零售商们开始全面降价。

    To ensure revenues don 't continue a downward trend , retailers have slashed prices across the board .

  2. 要求全面降价20%可能过分了,导致双方无法达成合同。

    Asking for a 20 per cent cut across the board could be too much , and drive a contract to failure .

  3. 福克斯表示,企业不该要求全面降价,而是“应该与供应商展开对话”,以达成一个公平的市场价格。

    Instead of pressing for blanket discounts , companies " should enter into dialogue with their suppliers " to achieve a fair market price , Ms fox said .

  4. 不到三周之后,由于行业管理准则的压力,媒体攻击,大众抗议,方便面行业放弃其涨价政策,向大众道歉并且实行全面降价。

    After less than three weeks of regulatory pressure , media assailing and public discontent , the industry backed down , apologized and initiated an across-the-board price cut .

  5. 直到最近,伦敦一直是世界上最昂贵的旅游城市之一,而现在,伦敦的酒店正开始全面降价,以争夺日益减少的的海外游客。

    Hotels in London , until recently one of the world 's most expensive cities to visit , are slashing prices as they compete for a dwindling pool of overseas visitors .

  6. 这些努力目前在全面展开,包括降价、放宽资本获取渠道以及终止限购政策。

    Those efforts are now in full swing , including price cuts , easier access to capital and the end of restrictions on buying several houses .