
  1. 这一假说认为,生产率较高(如人均国内生产总值(gdp)较高)的国家,其平均价格水平也应更高。

    This hypothesis stipulates that average prices should be higher in countries with higher productivity ( ie higher gross domestic product per head ) .

  2. 根据收集到的资料,对HVDC和FACTS装置的价格进行了分析和归纳,得出了关于HVDC和FACTS装置比较清晰的平均价格水平。

    Based on data collected , the costs of HVDC and FACTS were analyzed and summarized , the more precise average cost level of these equipment was obtained in this paper .

  3. 管理机构反映的是平均价格水平;

    Administrative organization reflects the level of the average price .

  4. 与主要国家和地区相比,2002年以来我国的汽柴油平均零售价格水平和税收水平均处于最低。

    Compared with the main courtiers , the average level of market price and taxation of gasoline and diesel fuel in China are in the lowest since 2002 .

  5. 这是从我国猪肉价格的整体水平方面进行研究,采取平均价格和波动水平两个指标,将猪肉价格的时间变动分解为长期趋势和短期波动;2.研究我国猪肉价格变动的区域特征。

    This is an overall research with two indexes : average price and fluctuation degree . And the time characteristics are divided into long-term tendency and short-term fluctuation ; 2 . The regional characteristics of the pork prices .

  6. 截至周二,标普500指数需要上涨56.5%,才能回到200日移动平均线之上。200日均线是一个长期趋势指标,其每一天的点位都反映了前200天的平均价格水平。

    As of Tuesday , it needed to gain 56.5 per cent just to return to its 200-day moving average , a measure of the long-term trend , which for each day takes the average of the 200 previous days ' prices .