
  • 网络equality management
  1. 论平等管理:企业知识管理发展的必然

    Study on Equality Management - Certa in Development of Knowledge Management

  2. 我们认为,平等管理是知识管理发展的必然。

    The aut hors believe equality management is a necessary development of knowledge management .

  3. 各少数民族平等参与管理国家的权利得到充分保障。

    The right of the ethnic minorities to participate on an equal footing in state administration is guaranteed .

  4. 少数民族平等参与管理国家事务的权利和自主管理本地区、本民族事务的自治权利依法受到保障。

    The right of ethnic minorities to participate in the administration of state affairs on an equal footing and the autonomous right to manage their own regions and affairs are safeguarded by law .

  5. 实行公开的不平等的监狱管理制度,维护奴隶制和封建等级特权;

    Unjust management system was persuited to assert slavery and feudal privileges ;

  6. 在日益高涨的中美平等参与世界管理的呼吁声中,中美软实力的比较与交融越来越受到全球的关注。

    With growing attention paid to the Sino-U.S.partnership for global development , a worldwide focus has been brought to the comparison and cooperation of their soft powers .

  7. 掸邦民族起义背后的原因在本质上与其他族群一样:政治不平等或在行政管理不合理。

    The reasons behind the Shan uprising were essentially the same as other ethnic groups : inequality in political and administrative matters .

  8. 中国妇女享有与男子同等的财产所有权和继承权,平等参与家庭事务管理和决策的权利。

    Chinese women enjoy the same right of ownership of property and inheritance as men and equal rights in the management and decision-making of family affairs .

  9. 正式的社会保障制度是由法律的性别平等、性别平等的管理对策、强化政府管理、社区救助管理四个方面构成。

    A formal social security system consists of four aspects , namely , gender equality in laws , gender-equality-based managerial policies , enhancement of governmental administration and management of community relief .