
  • 网络average development level;Average level of development
  1. 边疆民族地区长期以来不仅在经济上落后于全国平均发展水平,而且城镇化水平也严重滞后于中东部发达地区,这已逐步成为边疆多民族地区经济开发建设中的瓶颈问题。

    Frontier regions has long been not only economically lagging behind the national average level of development , and the level of urbanization lags far behind the developed eastern areas , which has gradually become the bottleneck in the economic development and construction of frontier ethnic regions .

  2. 但与同期世界平均发展水平相比,仍处在中等发展水平。

    But compared to the world average level , China was in the medium developing level .

  3. 改革开放以来,中国旅游业以远高于世界平均发展速度的水平发展,预计到2020年中国将成为世界上第一大旅游目的地国家。

    Since the reform and opening up , Chinese tourism has been developing at a more rapid pace than the world average level .

  4. 多年以来,我国医药行业保持快速增长,增长速度高于同期全国工业平均增长水平,也高于世界发达国家中主要制药国的平均发展水平。

    The medicine industry in China has maintained a rapid rate of development for many years which is faster than the average rate of the national industries for the same period and also faster than that of the chief pharmaceutical countries in the world .