
pínɡ jūn zēnɡ zhǎnɡ sù dù
  • Average growth rate;average speed of growth
  1. 中国-新西兰贸易年平均增长速度为12.9%。

    Annual average speed of growth of China - New Zealand trade is 12.9 % .

  2. 通过实测得出二点结果:模拟装置上滑闪火花的平均增长速度和长间隙放电时先导的平均增长速度是相等的.Air(初三适用)

    Two outstanding facts are made clear by actual measurements : ( 1 ) The average growth velocity of surface-arc in the model is equal to the average leader growth velocity in long air-gap discharge .

  3. 独立机构预测今年印度国内生产总值(gdp)增速将低于6%,而过去3年,印度保持着9%的平均增长速度。

    Independent projections suggest growth in gross domestic product this year will fall below 6 per cent , after averaging 9 per cent in the last three years .

  4. 各监测点的STD疫情呈增长趋势,年平均增长速度为46.61%。

    The number of STD cases reported from all centers tended to increase and the overall rate of increase was 46.61 % per year .

  5. 民营企业已成为我国经济发展中贡献最大的重要力量,其年平均增长速度显著高于我国GDP年平均增长速度。

    Private enterprises have become the largest contribution to the economic development of our country among all the important factors . The average annual GDP growth rate was significantly higher than average annual growth rate in China .

  6. 2001年-02年南亚地区的平均增长速度预测会减缓至5.5%。

    Average growth for the region is anticipated to slow to5.5 percent in2001-02 .

  7. 辛格政府最新推出的五年计划指出,印度有能力维持9%平均增长速度。

    His government 's latest five-year plan assumes that India can sustain average growth of9 % .

  8. 从2000年起,年平均增长速度达到了7.6%,使得该地区以美元计算的名义收入至少已恢复到危机之前的水平。

    Annual growth averaging 7.6 per cent since 2000 has restored nominal US dollar incomes at least to pre-crisis levels .

  9. 如果你的预测是根据1900年至1929年的平均增长速度,你预测的结果大概是这样。

    If you had based your prediction , your forecast on 1900 to 1929 you 'd have predicted something like this .

  10. 大多数非洲国家需要把年平均增长速度提高一倍,才有可能到2015年把贫困人口减少一半。

    Most African countries would need to double their average annual growth rates to7 % in order to halve poverty by2015 .

  11. 目前,云南省广告业仍然保持较高的增长,增长速度高于全国的平均增长速度。

    At present , Yunnan advertisement is still keeping a higher growth and the speed is higher than the average in China .

  12. 随着第五次并购浪潮的出现,其平均增长速度大大超过了全球国际直接投资的增长速度。

    As the merge of fifth M & A , its growing speed is largely overwhelmed the counterpart of world direct investment .

  13. 碘盐合格率由2007年的84.17%增长到2009年的94.81%,平均增长速度为6.13%。

    The qualified rate of iodine salt increased from 84.17 % to 94.81 % , the average increase speed is 6.13 % .

  14. 七十年间全球橡胶耗用量增长了一百倍,平均增长速度大体每隔十年就翻一番。

    In the past seventy years the world rubber consumption increased 100 times with an average increase rate doubled approximately every ten years .

  15. 近十余年,我国城市垃圾排放量的年平均增长速度约为7%~9%。

    Over past ten years , in China , the annual average increased rate of garbage discharge is about 7 % or 9 % .

  16. 我国工农业从解放以来直到去年的每年平均增长速度,在世界上是比较高的。

    From Liberation to last year , the average annual rate of growth in our industry and agriculture was fairly high by world standards .

  17. 结果表明,江苏省“三废”排放量虽然呈增长的态势,但增长速度低于以往的平均增长速度。

    The result shows that the discharge of the " Three Wastes " in Jiangsu Province is increasing , but the rate is lower than before .

  18. 中国餐饮市场在改革开放后开始随着经济高速发展一起快速成长,在最近十年的年平均增长速度达18%。

    Chinese food market began with the rapid development together with the rapid economical growth , the average annual growth rate is18 % in the last decade .

  19. 青干草产量与平均增长速度之间存在极显著正相关,可以依据苜蓿的生长速度估计产草量。

    Green hay yield and average growth speed had very significant positive correlation , forage yield might be estimated based on the growth speed of Medicago sativa .

  20. 据统计,2003&2006年世界经济平均增长速度为4.9%,其中:发达国家2.7%;发展中国家7.4%。

    Statistics indicated that 2003 - 2006 the world economics average rate of growth was 4.9 % : Developed country 2.7 % ; Developing country 7.4 % .

  21. 由于各种各样的政策作用,俄罗斯石油产量的平均增长速度已从2003年12%的高点降至2.5%。

    As a result of these and other policies , average production growth in Russia has slowed to 2.5 per cent from a high point of 12 per cent in 2003 .

  22. 近年来,广东海洋经济发展速度远远高于国民经济平均增长速度,已逐步成为海洋经济强省。

    During these years , the development of Guangdong marine economy is by far faster than the average national economic development , thus Guangdong is gradually becoming one of the powerful provinces .

  23. 结果5年来北京市梅毒的发病率呈大幅度上升趋势,年平均增长速度高达387.68%,年平均发病专率3.81/10万。

    Results It was indicated that the annual specific incidence rate had been greatly increasing , which was 3.81 per 100 thousand residents with an average annual increase as high as 387.68 % .

  24. 各国经济发展的经验表明,保持经济的快速增长离不开若干个高于平均增长速度的主导产业的带动。

    The experiences of economic development in all countries show that keeping the economy fast growth can not depart from drawing of some major industries that the development speed are beyond average growth speed .

  25. 1997年土地利用系统健康综合指数为0.275,到2004年,综合指数提高到0.748,年平均增长速度为15.37%。

    The comprehensive index of the health of land use system was 0.275 in 1997 , and had risen to 0.748 in 2004 . The annual average growth speed was 15 . 37 % .

  26. 结果:农民年人均医疗费用由2003年的212.62元增至2005年的385.37元,平均增长速度达到34.63%;

    We have a lengthwise contrast research . Result The annual medical cost per capita raised from 212.62 Yuan in 2003 to 385.37 Yuan in 2005 . The average velocity of increase reaches to 34.63 % .

  27. 结果淮北市梅毒发病率从1995年的0.11/10万上升到2001年的3.79/10万,年平均增长速度为80.4%;

    Results The results showed the incidence of syphilis in Huaibei city increased alarmingly from 0.11 per 100000 in 1995 to 3.79 per 100000 in 2001 and the average annual increase rate of syphilis was 80.4 % .

  28. 我国超市以70%的年平均增长速度飞速发展,连锁经营销售额占到社会商品零售总额的5%~7%。

    Supermarket in china grows with an annual rate of 70 % on average and the sales revenue of chain stores accounts for 5 % to 7 % of the total amount of the societal retail commodity revenue .

  29. 从世界范围来看,医药产业正处于快速增长阶段,其增长速度远高于世界经济的平均增长速度。在我国,高速增长的市场空间给国内的医药行业带来了无限光明的前景。

    From a global perspective , the pharmaceutical industry is in rapid growth phase which is much higher than the world average economic growth rate and has brought endless bright future for the domestic pharmaceutical industry in China .

  30. 结果:5年中医疗费用平均增长速度为16.32%,药品费、检查费、治疗费平均增长速度分别为14.54%、22.40%、17.26%;

    Results The average increasing rate of inpatients ' medical expenditure was 16.32 % during the 5 years . The average increasing rates of medicine cost , check-up cost and therapy cost were 14.54 % , 22.40 % , 17.26 % respectively .