
  1. 增长极理论是不平衡发展理论的代表。

    The theory of increase polar is the representative for imbalanced development theory .

  2. 西方发展经济学中的地区不平衡发展理论

    Theories of Regional Unbalance in Western Development Economics

  3. 经济增长理论和不平衡发展理论是县域经济发展中的两大理论基础。

    Economic growth theory and uneven to develop theory county land two major theoretical foundations of economic development .

  4. 县域经济研究的理论构建与现实意义&基于不平衡发展理论的认识

    The Theoretical Construction and Practical Significance of Research on Country Region Economy & In View of the Unbalanced Development Theory

  5. 在区域非平衡发展理论前提下,建立在区域合理分工基础之上的优势产业是区域经济发展中最为关键的一环。

    Based on unbalanced development theory in area and area rational division , the competitive industries are the most important part of regional economies development .

  6. 第二、三、四章为理论分析部分。第二章考察了地区经济差距的理论基础:平衡发展理论和非平衡发展理论。

    The author presents theoretical analysis in charter II , III and IV. The second chapter reviews the theoretical basis of regional economic disparities : the balanced development theory and non-equilibrium development theory .

  7. 其理论依据有劳动地域分工理论、区域经济发展相互依赖理论、区域经济不平衡发展理论以及产业集聚理论。

    The theoretical basis for barrier & free tourism zones are : regional division of labor theory , interdependence theory of regional economic development , regional economic imbalances in development theory and the theory of industrial clustering .

  8. 本文认为:作为西方地区不平衡发展理论的两种重要观点,增长极理论和累积性因果循环理论实际上都是对平衡发展主张的否定;

    Abstract There are two major ideas in the theories of unbalanced regional development : the theory of development poles and the theory of circulation of accumulative causal relationship . These two points are actually denial of balanced development .

  9. 另一类是不平衡发展战略理论。

    And the other is the strategic theory of imbalanced development .

  10. 在理论上,各经济学流派对区域经济学的研究,可以分为两大类:一类是平衡发展战略理论;

    Theoretically , study into regional economics by various economics schools can be classified into two categories : one is the strategic theory of balanced development ;

  11. 一是当代社会系统动态平衡发展的理论探究,旨在理请当代社会系统发展理论的目标发展脉络,展现其发展趋势和最新理论进展;

    One is the contemporary society system dynamical equilibrium development theory inquired into that , is for the purpose of the principle inviting the contemporary society system development theory the goal development vein , unfolds its development tendency and the newest theory progress ;

  12. 区域不平衡发展是一个普遍的规律,欠发达地区应根据不平衡发展理论,吸取经验教训,建立科学的不平衡发展促动机制。

    The uneven development of area is a general law . The low developed area should follow the de ˉ velopment theory , draw the experience and lessons and set up the scientific motivation mechanism of uneven de ˉ velopment .