
  1. 与经济学中传统的洼地效应相比,重庆更多的体现为高地效应。

    And economics in the traditional " depression ", Chongqing showed more as " highland effect " .

  2. 本文称之为绍兴市人身保险市场发展的洼地效应,并对其加以分析,探究产生这种情况的原因。

    This article calls this situation the development of the insurance market " depression effect " of Shaoxing .

  3. 在文献研究和机理探讨的基础上,本文从全国和浙江省两个层面实证检验了金融生态环境的资金洼地效应和资本配置效率改善效应。

    Based on what have done , we empirically test the low-lying land effect and capital allocation efficiency improvement effect of financial ecological environment on national level and Zhejiang province level .

  4. 在资金洼地效应方面,本文从金融生态环境质量与金融资产风险状况的相关关系出发分析了金融生态环境的资金洼地效应。

    In the low-lying land effect aspect , this article applied correlation analysis on the relationship of the risk of investing and financial ecological environment to test the low-lying land effect of financial ecological environment .

  5. 中国经济转型的特殊环境造就了民营企业在出生地的洼地效应,民营企业不得不在追求市场资源的战略思维指引下慎重考虑企业总部选址决策。

    The specific environment of China during the economic transition has generated the lowland effects to private firms in their birthplaces . Private firms have to decide their headquarters location carefully under the strategic thinking mode of pursing market resources .

  6. 结合前人的研究和中国制度转型期的特殊环境,本文将民营企业总部选址的重要影响因素概括和归结为洼地效应和政治资源。

    Incorporating with the previous studies and the specific circumstance of Chinese institutional transition , this paper summarizes the important factors of headquarters relocation decision-making in private firms and categorizes them into two factors : the political resource and the lowland effect .

  7. 西南喀斯特峰丛洼地生态环境效应及其危害

    Eco-environmental effects and deterioration of karst peak-cluster depression in Southwest China