
  1. 狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿。

    Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it .

  2. 洼里煤矿综合防治水技术研究

    Research on integrated water control technology in Wall Coal Mine

  3. 核磁分析进一步证实了黄县洼里黑页岩水不溶酸的组成特点。

    The composition of Huangxian water-insoluble acids was further verified by NMR .

  4. 某水电站洼里滑坡的成因机制及其稳定性研究

    Study on formation mechanism and stability of Wali Landslide in a hydroelectric power station

  5. 北京北苑地区洼里砾岩地层地热井钻井技术

    Geothermy Well Drilling Technology in Conglomerate Rocks

  6. 北京洼里深井水位变化所记录的地球固体潮和地震波

    Earth tides and seismic waves recorded by the level fluctuations in a deep borehole at Wali near Beijing

  7. 以山东龙口局洼里煤、新汶局孙村煤为研究用煤。

    The two kinds of lower rank coal , Wali coal and Suncun coal in Shandong province are sampled for study .

  8. 洼里井水位变化,灵敏地记录地球固体潮和地震波与其特殊的水文地质条件有关。

    Its high sensitivity in recording earth tides and seismic waves is believed to be due to the particular hydrogeological conditions .

  9. 主要介绍龙口矿业集团洼里煤矿的主要含水层及其赋存条件,根据不同的矿井充水特点采取的防治水措施及所取得的效果。

    This paper introduces the effective mine water control measures in according to geological conditions of main aquifers during mining operation in Wali Coal Mine .

  10. 1990年7月4日到9月28日,对北京朝阳区洼里乡的麦茬稻田甲烷排放进行了测定研究,取得了不同农业管理条件下的一些初步结果。

    From July 4 to Sept. 28 , 1990 , the CH4 emission from paddy fields of rice after wheat in Beijing area and the effects of different field managements on CH4 emission were studied .

  11. 乒乒乓乓地砸在屋顶上,顷刻间草地上银珠纷飞,税洼里水花四溅,我开始担心园里的蔬菜、水果,还有田里的庄稼;

    Now hailstones thump upon the roof . They bounce white against the grass and splash into the puddle . I think of the vegetable garden , the fruit trees , the crops in the fields ;

  12. 在1990&1992年期间中国环境科学研究院观测了北京地区洼里乡的稻田中甲烷的排放情况。其间农田中施用了有机堆肥和几种化学肥料,以观察化学肥料和有机肥料对甲烷排放的影响。

    The methane release fluxes from paddies in complete rice growth period have been monitored in Wali County of Beijing City from 1990 to 1992 . Different fertilizers were applied in the fields in order to test the effect of organic and chemical fertilizer on methane emission .