
  • 网络Customized tourism;Tailor-made Travel
  1. 一份能让你发现它活力、动感的现在,你也可以将两张行程合二为一,形成一份最佳的定制旅游指南。

    Or , blend the two lists for a best-of bespoke guide .

  2. 浅议定远盐矿地质概况及生产工艺浅议定制营销在旅游业中的运用

    Brief Discussion on General Geological Situation and Production Process in Dingyuan Salt Mine A Discussion of the Application of Customs Marketing in Tourist Industry

  3. 联系我们的定制国产茶文化旅游。

    Contact Us for Tailor-made Tea Culture Tours .

  4. 现代信息及网络技术的发展使旅行社低成本实现定制服务提供了可能,定制服务已经成为旅游业发展的大势所趋。

    The customization service becomes the irresistible trend of the tour development for the reason that it 's possible for travel services to realize the customization service at low costs on the basis of the development of modern information and network technology .