
dìng xián
  • tune a stringed instrument;tune;tune the stringed instrument
定弦 [dìng xián]
  • [tune the stringed instrument] 按照所需音高确定乐器弦的松 紧程度。比喻打定主意

定弦[dìng xián]
  1. 琵琶的常用定弦为A、d、e、a。(5)演奏技法方面:中阮与琵琶演奏技法的差异主要是体现在右手的部分技法上。

    Commonly used tune a stringed instrument of the lute A , d. e , a. ( 5 ) playing techniques : Nguyen and pipa playing techniques difference is reflected in the right hand part of the technique .

  2. 管弦乐队在定弦。

    The orchestra are tuning up .

  3. 张两弦,按四五度定弦。

    There are two strings , with a four - or five-octave range .

  4. 一般按四五度定弦,音域三个八度。

    Its range is generally five octaves and three-eighths .

  5. 这和小提琴中间两根弦的定弦是相同的。

    This is the same as the two middle strings of the violin .

  6. 一般以五度定弦,为特殊用途,也可用四度定弦。

    The range is normally five octaves , and sometimes four in special cases .

  7. 论传统琵琶乐曲的定弦

    The Tunes of the Traditional Pipa Music

  8. 低音提琴通常被算作提琴类,定弦为第四级音,颈部倾斜和背平是低音提琴的特点。

    The double bass , usually considered a member of the violin family , is tuned in fourths and has the sloping shoulders and flat back characteristic of the viols .

  9. 本文是笔者学习《第四二胡协奏曲》过程中的一些心得体会,试图探索对此首乐曲的题材背景、创作风格理念及八度定弦的技法技巧等框架作以阐述。

    This paper is the author of the fourth erhu concerto learning some of the comments , trying to explore this piece of music theme background and creation style concept and five octaves skills such techniques to expound frame .