
qín qiāng
  • Shaanxi opera;Shanxi Opera;Shanxi opera, popular in the northwestern provinces
秦腔 [qín qiāng]
  • [Shanxi Opera] 流行于中国西北各省的地方戏曲剧种,由陕西、甘肃一带的民歌发展而成的,是梆子。腔的一种。也叫陕西梆子。泛指北方用梆子腔演唱的剧种

秦腔[qín qiāng]
  1. 《秦腔》荣获茅盾文学奖的文化意义

    The Cultural Significance of Qin Opera Rewarded Mao Dun Literature Prize

  2. 《秦腔》:贾平凹的新变

    " Qin Opera ": New Change of Jia Ping ′ ao

  3. 你看,有剪纸啊、秦腔啊、皮影戏啊。

    Such as paper cutting , Shaanxi Opera and shadow play .

  4. 现在的秦腔也是吹腔衍变来的。

    The Shaanxi Opera is also a blow to the Evolution cavity .

  5. 《秦腔》对我国农村改革进程中存在问题的反映

    Problems Existing in Countryside Reformation in Our Country Reflected in Qin Opera

  6. 陕西秦腔和皮影是陕西当地富有代表的艺术形式。

    Shaanxi opera and shadow puppetry are typical Shaanxi local art forms .

  7. 贾平凹的《秦腔》正表达了这种无望的精神回乡。

    Jia 's Shaanxi Opera expresses a hopeless spiritual return to the hometown .

  8. 《秦腔》:一曲传统文化没落的挽歌

    Qin Opera : An elegy for the traditional culture

  9. 《秦腔》:对传统文化的宏观性观照

    Qin Opera : A Traditional Culture Macroscopic Contemplation

  10. 这不是秦腔嘛。

    Yes , this is Shaanxi Opera .

  11. 真实的乡村迷茫的情感&解读贾平凹长篇小说《秦腔》

    True Village Perplexed Feelings & Appreciating the long novel Qin Opera by Jia Pingwa ;

  12. 我极为喜爱秦腔。

    I very much love Qinqiang opera .

  13. 从非物质文化遗产的保护看秦腔的文化创新

    Cultural Innovation of Qin Opera from the Perspective of the Protecting Intangible Cultural Legacy New Culture

  14. 秦腔音乐的调式、调性及曲调发展手法的研究

    The Research on ShaanXi Opera 's Mode , Tonality , Tune and the Means of Its Development

  15. 秦腔是中国戏曲四大声腔中最古老、最丰富、最庞大的声腔体系。

    It boasts the most ancient , affluent , and largest musical system of all Chinese operas .

  16. 第二节,秦腔与元杂剧剧目的比较。

    The comparison of the the repertoires of Shaanxi opera and Yuan drama is introduced in second segment .

  17. 第三节,秦腔与元杂剧同题材剧目分类。

    The classification of the same theme in Shaanxi opera and Yuan drama is shown in third segment .

  18. 沉溺于消费时代的文化速写&先锋批评与《秦腔》事件

    Cultural Sketches That Are Indulged in the Age of Consumption : Avant-garde Criticism and the Event of Shaanxi Opera

  19. 新经济变动下的乡村文化挽歌&评贾平凹的《秦腔》

    A Coronach of Local Culture in New Economic Changes & Remark on JIA Ping-ao 's 《 Qin Qiang 》

  20. 通过分析比较,笔者发现在现代社会中秦腔本质上是作为一种艺术活动存在的。

    Through the analysis and comparison , I found that Qin opera is essentially existed as an art activity .

  21. 在内蒙古的汉族居民当中,最普遍的娱乐方式是听传统的晋剧和秦腔。

    Among the Han Chinese of Inner Mongolia , Jinju or Shanxi Opera is a popular traditional form of entertainment .

  22. 17~19世纪间,也涌现出许多地方戏曲,如梆子,秦腔和越剧。

    Numerous local theatrical genres , such as the bang-zi , qin-qiang , and yue-ju , appeared in the17th-19th centuries .

  23. 从秦腔剧本看民国初年关中方言的语音特点

    Phonetic characteristics of Shaanxi dialect of the initial stages of the Republic of China by researching play books of Shaanxi Opera

  24. 在艺术工作方面,不但要有话剧,而且要有秦腔和秧歌。

    In the arts , we must have not only modern drama but also the Shensi opera and the yangko dance .

  25. 在这个阶段,秦腔艺术顺着怎样的道路发展、表现出怎样的特征,直接影响着现代秦腔的建设。

    In this period which means it take and what character it show are all influence the construction of modern Qin-Qiang opera .

  26. 《秦腔》引发评论界和关注之重指此,在这一方面研究者已有相当多积极的成果。

    Qin Opera has caused critics and concerns mainly refer to this , researchers in this felid have many quite positive results .

  27. 具体上写实,总体上象征,是贾平凹新作《秦腔》采用的重要艺术手法。

    Concrete realism and overall symbol is the important artistic technique of " Qin Qiang ", Jia ( Pingao 's ) new work .

  28. 颁奖典礼上学生朗读了《秦腔》的节录,让大家一同感受这部高水准小说的感染力。

    During the ceremony , students read extracts from " Qin Melody " to give participants a sense of its quality and power .

  29. 在去剧院看正式的秦腔演出之前,我先了解那些故事和剧中人物,这样就能理解表演。

    Before going to formal performances in the opera houses , I studied the stories and characters so that I would understand the action .

  30. 我在兰州大学任教期间,晚上常常在东方红广场站上几个小时听秦腔。

    When I taught at Lanzhou University , I used to stand for hours on the Dongfang Hong Guangchang listening to the evening performances .