
  1. 山西历史地震引起的黄土灾害的分布特征

    Distribution Characteristics of Loess Disasters in Shanxi , Caused by Historical Earthquakes

  2. 山西历史悠久,旅游资源丰富。

    Shanxi has a long history and rich tourist resources .

  3. 山西历史文化品牌建设与创新探讨

    Construction and Innovation of Historical and Cultural Brand of Shanxi

  4. 山西历史文化的三大特色

    Three Characteristics of Shanxi 's History and Culture

  5. 山西历史战争景观诗歌及诗人空间分布及形成动因研究

    Research on Poetry of Shanxi Historic Martial Sightseeing and Poets ' Space Distribution and Its Forming Motivation

  6. 明清以来,扬名四方的晋商是山西历史上的亮点,然而在晋商及其辉煌事业的背后,商妇却似乎是一个长期被遗忘的角落。

    The businessmen in Shanxi province who have become famous from the Ming and Qing dynasties are the shining points in the history of Shanxi .

  7. 而如何能把山西历史背景和旅游文化内涵展现出来,让大家更加了解山西,了解山西旅游,是山西旅游管理者的首要任务。

    And how can the historical background of shanxi tourism and culture connotation , let everyone know more about tourism in Shanxi Province , shanxi , shanxi tourism management is the priority .

  8. 提出新世纪应发挥山西历史文化资源丰厚的优势,努力实现文化及其产业对山西经济社会的可持续发展作用。

    It also presents that the superiority of Shanxi 's historical cultural resources should be brought into play in new century to realize the function of culture and cultural property on Shanxi 's sustainable development .

  9. 山西历史文化底蕴深厚,历史文化古村镇自成体系,最有很强的表现力和独特的地域魅力,是山西历史文化的精髓所在,也是其最佳展示平台。

    Shanxi has profound history and culture which has a system of ancient villages with long history and rich culture . The villages with strong expressive force and unique local charm are the essence of history and culture of Shanxi , as well as the best display platform .

  10. 《山西省历史地图集》的设计与计算机制图

    The Computer Map Designing and Compiling for the Historical Atlas of Shanxi Province

  11. 山西运城历史悠久,人文荟萃,拥有丰富的非物质文化遗产资源。

    The long history and assembling humanities bring about abundant intangible cultural heritage materials .

  12. 由于在山西的历史上经过了长期的民族交融,交通又不便利,从而使山西形成了众多方言。

    Because of the history of Shanxi Province , after a long period of national integration , not to facilitate traffic , so that the formation of a large number of Shanxi dialect .

  13. 山西因历史地理因素,以及交通等原因保留了许多古村落,这些古村落逐渐成为山西乡村旅游发展的重要内容。

    Due to historical and geographical factors of Shanxi , and the traffic problems and other reasons to retain many of the original village , those became an important part of rural tourism in Shanxi .

  14. 由于山西的历史风貌、传统文化、人文习俗诸原因,山西民居的形态及雕刻更具有自己的特色,是本文研究的重点。

    Yet , due to its unique geographical situation , traditional culture and folk customs , the folk dwellings in Shanxi Province possess its own characters in formation and carving , and become studying focal point in this article .

  15. 太原是山西的历史文化名城,也是山西的经济和文化中心,城市建设飞速发展要求它建立独具特色的城市识别形象。

    Taiyuan , renowned for its long history and rich culture , is now the economic and cultural center of Shanxi Province and it needs to have its own unique identity along with the rapid development of the city .

  16. 民国时期山西的历史,军事与政治是两条主线,鉴于山西军政合一的特殊政治体系,所以本文可以将这两条主线一起进行研究。

    Throughout the development of the Republic of China in Shanxi , the military and politics are two main lines , the military and political unity in Shanxi , so it can work together to study two main lines .

  17. 山西是历史文化遗产丰富的文化大省,在旅游发展中如何将它们转化为物质财富,树立山西独特的文化形象,到位的宣传是关键性因素。

    Shanxi is a cultural province that has abundant historical culture inheritances . In order to transform them into the material wealth in the course of developing the tourism , and to set up the special cultural image of Shanxi , the key factor is the proper propagation .

  18. 山西地震带历史地震序列的统计分析

    Statistic analysis on historic earthquake sequence in Shanxi seismic zone

  19. 山西戏曲艺术历史悠久,剧种繁多,它的形成、发展、传播与山西商人紧密相连。

    Shanxi thespian art has a long history and a large variety , the formation , development and propagation of which is closely related to the businessmen from shanxi .

  20. 尤其是山西面食经过历史的传承演变,在取材、做法、口味、品类、成因、食俗、营养价值等方面体现出显著的地域文化特色,形成别具一格的山西面食文化。

    Especially the Shanxi pasta food , through a long-term inheritance and evolution , had constructed a very local culture in its materials , practices , preferences , category , causes , eating customs and nutritional value .

  21. 山西应县木塔与历史地震

    Yingxian Wooden Tower and Historical Earthquake of Shanxi

  22. 明初山西移民保定的历史原因及其影响

    Historical Reasons and Influence of Shanxi Emigrants to Baoding in the Early Ming Dynasty

  23. 山西能源工业的历史取向

    Historical Orientation of Shanxi Energy Industry

  24. 论述了山西应县木塔在历史地震和工程抗震研究中的地位和意义。

    Significance and importance of Yingxian Wooden Tower of Shanxi in historical earthquake and antiseismic engineering research are discussed .

  25. 留学归晋人员对民国时期山西工业建设的历史性贡献

    The Historic Contributions of the Returned Students of Shanxi to the Industrial Construction of Shanxi During the Period of the Republic of China

  26. 第一、二部分主要论述了山西票号产生的历史条件及发展概况。

    The first part and the second mainly expound the historical conditions before exchange shop in Shanxi was produced and the developmental general situation .

  27. 同时,山西地区戏曲文化历史悠久,民间艺术表演形式丰富,也促进了元杂剧的繁荣。

    Meanwhile , Shanxi has a long history of opera culture and the forms of art performance are various . These factors also promote the prosperity of yuan drama .

  28. 第九章,论述了以身股为本经营管理体制的历史局限性,导致山西票号衰亡的历史过程;

    In Chapter nine , the historical process of the Shanxi draft bank declination caused by the restrictions of the management system based on labor force shares is issued ;

  29. 通过回顾山西能源工业的历史,展望山西能源工业发展的历史取向,进而提出发展山西能源工业的对策与建议。

    Through reviewing the history of Shanxi 's energy industry , this paper looks forward to the historical orientation of the development of Shanxi energy industry , and further advances some suggestions and countermeasures for the development of Shanxi 's energy industry .

  30. 本文从用民一词出发,将阎锡山的用民思想作为研究对象,将时间基本限定在1917年&1930年,主要探讨了用民思想的产生背景、具体体现和对山西起到的历史作用。

    This article from the word by the people , starting with the will Yan Xishan people thought as the research object , basic limit time in 1917 1930 , mainly discussed the " people thought " with background , embody the historical role of Shanxi plays .