
  1. 山基GPS掩星反演大气对流层折射率系统组成及其程序实现

    System and Software Performance of the Atmospheric Refractive Inversion for Mountain-based GPS Occultation

  2. 山基GPS掩星观测实验及其反演原理

    Mountain-based GPS observations of occultation and its inversion theory

  3. 对山基GPS掩星观测进行了研究。

    The mountain-based GPS radio occultation is studied .

  4. 南天山基性麻粒岩中变形石英和石榴子石的TEM研究

    A TEM Study of Deformed Quartz and Garnet in the Mafic Granulite from the Southern Tianshan , China

  5. IGU星历在山基GPS掩星预报中的应用

    Application of IGU ephemeris to mountain-based GPS obscuration prediction

  6. 按照以上工艺制备的苹果多酚提取物具有较强的还原能力和抗脂质过氧化活性,并对羟自山基、超氧阴离子自由基及亚硝基具有很强的清除作用,且优于同浓度的维生素C。

    The apple polyphenol extracts had stronger reducing capacity , antioxidant activity on lipid-peroxidation , and scavenging effects on hydroxyl radical , superoxide anion radical and nitroso than ascorbic acid at the same concentration .

  7. 多波段光催化协合材料具有光催化作用能产生·OH自山基,·OH自由基与氮氧化物、甲醛等污染性气体反应,从而达到净化空气的目的。

    Since the material can produce OH free radicals ( OH free radicals are oxidant to react with pollutant such as nitrogen oxides , formaldehyde , and bacteria ), it can purify air .

  8. 山基土中腐植酸的提取及吸附性能研究

    Study on Extraction of Humic Acid from Humic Soil and Its Adsorption Capability

  9. 这伟大的落山基。

    The great city of Los angeles .

  10. 山基无线电掩星模拟

    Simulation of the mountain-based radio occultation

  11. 给出利用山基掩星观测数据反演大气折射指数剖面和电波弯曲角的原理和算法。

    The principle and methods estimating bending angles of the radio rays and atmospheric refractivity profiles with the mountain-based radio occultation data are given .

  12. 在诸种细胞凋亡的诱因中,体内代谢或外源性因素产生的活性氧自山基被证实可诱导细胞凋亡。

    Reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) is one of the factors which induce apoptosis . ROS was generated during internal metabolism or stimulated by external factors .

  13. 酷热的日子里,从很远处望去,蓝色的山基赏心悦目,而白雪皑皑的山顶似乎在空中盘旋。

    The heat of the day , from a distance , the blue mountain and pleasing to the eye , and snow peak seems to be circled around in the air .

  14. 利用3维射线追踪技术模拟山基(或机载)无线电掩星,研究掩星事件出现的时间、方位角和掩星事件持续时间;

    In this paper , the mountain-based radio occultation is simulated using the 3D ray tracing technique . The starting time , the azimuth angle and the duration of the occultation events are obtained .

  15. 南京汤山钙基膨润土钠化改型研究

    Reserch on Turning the Ca_Bentonite of Nanjing Tangshan into Na_Bentonite

  16. 地衣芽孢杆菌在牛栏山二锅头基酒生产中的应用

    Application of Bacillus Licheniformis in Niulanshan Erguotou Base Liquor Production

  17. 凯文教练在西方戏剧肖恩·普雷斯顿山洋基队员。

    Kevin coaches for the West Hills Yankees where Sean Preston plays on the team .

  18. 首先分析了西南镇花果山、基塘连村和芹涌村的地理位置、气候水文、地貌、地层岩性、地质构造、水文地质、人类活动等。

    This paper analyzed the natural environment in the studied area , including geographical location , climate , hydrology , geomorphology , lithology , geological structure , hydrogeology , human activities , etc. .

  19. 角闪石作为南太行山地区中基性侵入岩中主要组成矿物,其详细的成因矿物学研究对了解该套岩石的形成机理具有重要意义。

    As one of major mineral phases in the intermediate-mafic intrusions in Southern Taihang Mountains , amphibole can be used to constrain its petrogenesis .

  20. 在山下的基顺河边,西西拉也聚集了所有的九百辆铁车,和他的全部军队。

    Sure enough , down below the mount , by the Kishon River , General Sisera was gathering his huge army with their 900 iron chariots .

  21. 姑山矿软土地基排土场结构参数的确定

    Determination of the Structural Parameters of the Soft Earth-foundation Dump in Gushan Mine

  22. 在那里他碰到了著名的绍山酋长华谢基。

    There he met the famous Shoshone chieftain Washakie .

  23. 洛布森山是加拿大落基山脉中山峰最高的山,想要爬上其顶峰是个极大的挑战。

    Mount Robson is the highest peak of the Canadian Rockies and climbing it is considered a challenge .

  24. 水飞蓟素和山莨菪碱对糖基化产物培养下牛视网膜周细胞增生的保护作用

    The protection of silymarin and anisodamine on growth and DNA changes of bovine retinal capillary pericytes cultured in glycosylation products

  25. 像阿尔卑斯山一样,落基山脉高大陡峭、崎岖不平。爬这么陡峻的高山使我们很多人都头晕了。

    Like the Alps , they are high , sharp and rugged . Climbing such a steep high mountain rendered many of us giddy .