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  1. 1993年,24岁的王太利离开山东老家,只身来到北京。

    In 1993 , at 24 , Wang left his hometown in Shandong province for Beijing .

  2. 在与记者的电话采访中,陈先生说,他的妻子生动地描述了安全部队包围山东老家的房子并威胁她和他们的两个孩子的行为。

    In the telephone interviews with reporters , Mr. Chen , said his wife had vividly described threats against her and their two children by security forces surrounding their house in Shandong .

  3. 28岁的罗晶晶(音译)在深圳工作已有五年时间了,她说:我不想回山东老家过年,但郁闷的是不知道怎么和父母讲。

    I 'm reluctant to return to my hometown in Shandong , and now the trouble is how to tell my parents , said Luo Jingjing , 28 , an employee who has lived in Shenzhen for five years .

  4. 一九一一年秋,我们从山东烟台回到福州老家去。

    In the autumn of1911 , we returned from Yantai of Shandong Province to our native place Fuzhou .

  5. 一九&一年秋,我们从山东烟台回到福州老家去。福州的寿山石,我国传统的四大印章之一。

    In the autumn of 1911 , we returned from Yantai of Shandong Province to our native place Fuzhou . The agalmatolite of Fuzhou is one of " the most famous four seals " .