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zǒu jiē chuàn xiànɡ
  • 熟语Walking through the streets;make rounds of streets and alleyways
走街串巷 [zǒu jiē chuàn xiàng]
  • [wander about the streets] 走遍城市的大街小巷或各个角落

  • 小贩们走街串巷,到处叫卖

  1. 我走街串巷找到了他的新住所。

    I went round the streets and found his new abode .

  2. 虽然如今中心有了电子地图,但调度员们还是走街串巷手工绘制地图。

    Although nowadays the center has electronic maps , the dispatchers still walk through the streets to draw maps by hand .

  3. 埃德伦德是《休闲的力量》(ThePowerofRest)一书的作者,他说他很想在柏林或者北京走街串巷。

    , and author of'The Power of Rest'who says he 'd much prefer walking through Berlin or Beijing .

  4. 炎炎夏日,Maria和她的女儿就会开着他们的冰激凌车在比令斯走街串巷。

    During the hot days of summer , Maria and her daughter drive an ice-cream truck through neighborhoods and parks in Billings .

  5. TrickorTreat是现代万圣节的风俗。孩子们穿着特殊的衣服走街串巷,讨取糖果和玩具之类的赏赐。

    5 . Trick or Treat is a modern Halloween custom where children go from house to house dressed in costume , asking for treats like candy or toys .

  6. 这对幸福的夫妇挽着胳膊走街串巷。

    The happy couple linked arms and swirled about the streets .

  7. 现在走街串巷做小买卖的不多见了。

    Peddlers going through streets and alleys are rarely seen nowadays .

  8. 流动送货车走街串巷。

    The mobile grocery carts travel through the lanes .

  9. 他们夫妻俩亲自操作,走街串巷,提篮叫卖。

    The couple both personally operation , the street level , Basket salesman .

  10. 人们走街串巷,用击鼓即敲竹的方式制造声响

    people go from house to house making noise with drums and bamboo sticks .

  11. 节日期间他们会手提灯笼走街串巷。

    Who carry their lanterns through the streets .

  12. 快过年了,大家走街串巷,忙着办年货。

    The New Year , everybody fast lane , see much know wide busy do often .

  13. 我走街串巷亲手递的简历

    Well , I walked round the town . I gave out me CV by hand .

  14. 在长年的走街串巷中,他又发现:一些商店楼亮丽而招牌发黑。

    When he walked through the streets he noticed that the name board of some stores was dirty .

  15. 最后,一行人来到北京四合院的聚集区,走街串巷地体味另一番古朴之美。

    Lastly , they walked in the ancient streets to appreciate the beauty of the quadrangle dwellings situated along .

  16. 接连几个星期,人们带着面具走街串巷,为所欲为而不被认出来。

    For weeks on end people walked round the streets wearing masks doing what they wanted to do without being recognized .

  17. 他们的流动送货车走街串巷,使家庭主妇在自家门口就能买到她们需要的东西。

    Their mobile grocery carts travel through the lanes , enabling the housewives to buy what they need outside their own doors .

  18. 最初是艺人用以走街串巷、在店铺门前演唱索钱。

    Originally , Shu Lai Bao was performed by artists wandering about the streets and playing in front of stores to ask for money .

  19. 他在曼哈顿和昆斯走街串巷,拍摄了一些有关纽约街道的彩色大照片,印刷堪称精致,虽然这些街道从美学上看毫无魅力。

    He travelled through Manhattan and Queens , making large-scale , exquisitely printed color photographs of some of the most aesthetically unpersuasive streets in New York City .

  20. 最初的雷曼兄弟是19世纪40年代从德国巴伐利亚移居美国的。他们先是在美国南部走街串巷兜售日用品,后来在阿拉巴马州的蒙哥马利当起了棉花经纪人,建立起自己的事业。

    The original brothers Lehman came to the US from Bavaria in the 1840s , peddling household goods on the byways of the south before setting up as cotton brokers in Montgomery , Alabama .