
zǒu xínɡ shì
  • do sth. as a mere formality
走形式 [zǒu xíng shì]
  • [go through the formality] 指只是表面上经过某种形式,敷衍了事

  1. 你别做一道题就走形式做样子糊弄我!

    You don 't become a problem to go form what fool me !

  2. 但是这是封走形式的信。

    This is a form letter , however .

  3. 如果这是个别现象也就罢了,不幸的是如此走形式的企业似乎遍布全国。

    If this is individual phenomenon also just , unfortunately so take a form enterprise appears throughout the country .

  4. 但无论推行过的企业管理水平如何,走形式的现象却普遍存在。

    But no matter carried out enterprise management level to take a form , it is a common phenomenon of .

  5. 在数学教学中,数学阅读的教学并未得到重视,很多教师仅是走形式,学生在数学学习中没有养成数学阅读的习惯。

    In mathematics teaching , teachers don 't pay much attention to the teaching of mathematical reading . Students haven 't formed the habit of mathematical reading .

  6. 有网民说,改革要本着为人民服务的思想,要切实提高人民群众的医疗卫生条件,不要走形式。

    Netizens said that reform should be based on the idea of serving the people , we should improve the people 's medical and health conditions , not pro forma .

  7. 从某些方面来说,正式的开幕仪式只不过是走个形式。

    In some ways , the official opening is a formality

  8. 其弊在于,由于强调笔墨程式,导致绘画走上形式主义道路;

    The disadvantages consist in the following aspects ; paintings typical of formalism are produced due to the emphasis on brush and ink form ;

  9. 但是,即使只是走个形式,在批准过程中也会交换更多的信息,这会增加重用的可能性。

    But even as a courtesy , the exchange of more information that is part of the approval process can mean greater potential reuse later .

  10. 一场公开辩论随即爆发,震惊了这个国家的观察人士。在越南,大多数重要的政策决定都是在幕后策划好后,再到国会走一下形式。

    A public argument erupted , startling observers of a country where most important policy decisions are brewed behind closed doors then rubber-stamped by the national congress .

  11. 风也会吹走某种特定形式的致密。

    Wind also blows a particular form of density away .

  12. 但如果走程序变成了形式,就走向了程序管理的反面。

    But if the program into a form , the program management .

  13. 目的:观察电针配合走罐治疗躯体形式障碍的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe therapeutic effect of electroacupuncture combined with moving cupping therapy on somatoform disorders .

  14. 结论:电针配合走罐治疗躯体形式障碍,能在早期控制症状,改善不良情绪,疗效确切,可作为治疗躯体形式障碍的一种方法。

    Conclusion Electroacupuncture combined with moving cupping therapy can early control target symptoms and improve bad emotion for the patient of somatoform disorders .

  15. 在2008年北京奥运会的契机下,应该大力发展体育志愿者等方面的群众体育人力资源,走非营利组织形式的管理模式,将我国体育志愿者的培养纳入制度化和专业化体系。

    The author makes conclusions : As the Beijing Olympic Game in 2008 will come , it should enlarge the resources of mass sports that include sports-volunteers , and use the model of no-profit organizations management .

  16. 一段时期以来,中职教育跟着普教的模式走,只注重形式的创新,没有内容的变革,情感教育没有得到应有的重视。

    For some time , along with general education and vocational education in the mode of walking , focus only on the form of innovation , no content changes . Emotional education has not been given due attention .

  17. 在不损及现有法律框架的前提下,电子商务宜走统一的、形式意义上电子商务立法的道路,并根据实际情况制定配套的单行法规。

    Under no impacting now available legal frame , China should make a uniform and formal law on electronic commerce , make concert and specific regulations in accordance with actual conditions , liquidate and revise existing laws , and not codify electronic commerce .

  18. 沙捞越Punda走滑构造为一典型的右旋走滑构造形式,是沿近东西向F断裂(PDZ)发育特征的负花状构造或郁金香构造,并构成走滑伸展双重构造。

    A typical strike-slip extensional duplexes with a characteristic tulip flower structure are developed along the east-west oriented F fault ( PDZ ) in Punda dextral strike-slip faults .