
  1. 走到灯下,瞧手指上没有痕迹,才知道流了眼泪。

    He moved over under a lamp post to look , and when he found no traces of blood on his fingers , realized it was only tears .

  2. 和雅典城一样,它们已经准备好了再次走到聚光灯下。

    Like the city itself , they 're getting prepped for the spotlight & again .

  3. 为了表示这种热情是相互的,他转身走回聚光灯下。

    To prove the feeling is mutual , he heads back out into the spotlight .

  4. 径直走到交通灯那儿。

    Go straight until the traffic light .

  5. 从仪器仪表组中移走油压警报灯(罐指示器)。按下排气阀,直到压力表指示为零即可。

    REMOVE OIL WARNING LAMP ( CAN INDICATOR ) FROM CLUSTER . Press discharge valve until the pressure meter indicates zero .

  6. 利用废旧仪器建立综合开放性实验室从仪器仪表组中移走油压警报灯(罐指示器)。

    Study on making use of the used instruments to build an integrated open laboratory REMOVE OIL WARNING LAMP ( CAN INDICATOR ) FROM CLUSTER .

  7. 他首次走到聚光灯下,拍照并对媒体发表讲话,这些事情过去通常都由他妻子来做。

    For the first time , he stepped into the spotlight , posed for pictures and spoke to the media & a job typically performed by his wife .

  8. 房地产开发商SCAssetCorp股价上涨逾16%。英拉曾是该公司的掌门人,直到两个月前她在形势的推动下走到政治聚光灯下。

    SC Asset Corp , the property developer Ms Yingluck ran until she was propelled into the political limelight two months ago , was up more than 16 per cent .

  9. 沿这条街走,到交通灯处左拐弯。

    Go down the street and turn left at the traffic lights .

  10. 你走的时候把灯关掉好吗?

    Could you put the lights off before you leave ?

  11. 沿着这条路走,在交通灯处向右转。

    Walk along the road and turn right at the traffic lights .

  12. 沿着这条街走,在交通灯那儿转弯。

    Walk along the street , take the turn at the traffic light .

  13. 你为啥在黑暗中摸着走?这不是灯吗!

    Why are you groping about in the dark ? Here 's the light !

  14. 但是当我走了,聚光灯和观众就都没了。

    But when I 've moved on , the spotlight and audience will be gone too .

  15. 我愿意我是一个更夫,整夜在街上走,提了灯去追逐影子。

    I wish I were a watchman walking the streets all night , chasing the shadows with my lantern .

  16. 沿着这条街一直走,走到交通灯那里。

    Go straight along this street to the traffic lights .

  17. 他刚默祷完,就看见利百加肩上扛着水罐走出来。从仪器仪表组中移走油压警报灯(罐指示器)。

    Before he had finished praying silently he saw Rebecca coming out with her water - jug on her shoulder . REMOVE OIL WARNING LAMP ( CAN INDICATOR ) FROM CLUSTER .