
  • 网络power distribution unit;distribution equipment;gis;pdu
  1. 电源配电装置其作用是把电源分配给各个控制箱和转台。

    The Power Distribution Unit distributes power to the various console and table units .

  2. 地铁综合UPS系统智能配电装置的研究

    Intelligent Power Distribution Equipment for Integrated UPS in Metro

  3. DeviceNet现场总线特点及在低压配电装置中的应用

    Application of Device net in device of LV power supply

  4. 基于DSP和锁相环的矿用高压配电装置数据采集系统的设计

    Design of Data Acquisition System for Mine-used High-voltage Distribution Device Based on DSP and PLL

  5. 煤矿6(10)kV高压配电装置零序电压取样电路的改进

    Improvement of the zero-sequence voltage sampling circuit in coal mine high-voltage distribution device

  6. GIS配电装置的安全运行,不仅取决于GIS设备的制造质量,而且与GIS配电装置的设计也有密切关系。

    The safety of GIS distribution apparatus operation not only depends on its quality but also have close relation with the relevant apparatus design .

  7. 俄罗斯(110-750)kV配电装置的带电体至各种部件最小允许距离的规定

    The Prescriptions onthe Minimum Allowed Clearances Between Electrically Charged Objects of ( 110 - 750 ) kV Distribution Equipment and All Other Parts Around in Russia

  8. 500kV大型变电站配电装置的选型问题

    Model Selection for Distribution Equipment of Large 500 kV Substations

  9. 220kV双母线双分段接线的屋外配电装置布置探讨

    Inquisition into Arrangement of 220 kV Double-bus Double Segment Connecting to Outdoor Switchyard

  10. 1000MW机组500kV配电装置布置的优化

    Layout Optimization of 500 kV Switchgear for 1 000 MW Units

  11. 气体绝缘组合电器(gasinsulatedswitchgear,GIS)与传统的高压配电装置相比具有结构紧凑、占地面积小、运行可靠性高、检修周期长等突出优点,因此广泛应用于高压输电系统中。

    Compared with traditional high-voltage power distribution apparatus , GIS ( Gas Insulated Switchgear ) has the advantages of compact structure , easy maintenance , and reliable operation , thus widely used in high-voltage transmission system .

  12. 采用充气绝缘配电装置的110kV变电站的设计

    The design of 110 kV substation with gas insulated switchgear

  13. 110kV户内配电装置应用探讨

    Discussion on Application of 110 kV Indoors Distribution Device

  14. 220kV室外配电装置的设计优化

    Optimum design of 220 kV outdoor switchgear

  15. 500kV配电装置的选择和H-GIS的应用

    Selection of 500 kV Distribution Device and Application of H - GIS

  16. SF6全封闭组合电器是一种具有可靠性高,检修周期长,结构紧凑等先进技术的综合输配电装置。

    SF6 totally enclosed combined electrical apparatus is an advanced comprehensive power transmission and distribution device with high reliability , long check period and well-knit structure .

  17. 110kV半高型配电装置改造的设计

    Design on 110 kV Half-high Distribution Apparatus Rebuild

  18. 石嘴山电厂扩建工程220kV配电装置楼清水混凝土的施工评述

    Review of construction of 220 kV-switch house with clear water concrete for enlargement of Shizuishan power plant

  19. 220kV屋外配电装置的选型&基于全寿命周期成本理念的工程设计实践

    Selection for Model of 220 kV Outdoor Switchgear : Practice of Engineering Design Based on Life Cycle Cost

  20. 对于矿用隔爆型高压真空配电装置的选择性漏电保护功能的实现采用了首创的基于PLC高速计数器的零序电流方向判断理论,该理论的应用大大提高了本系统对漏电保护的准确性。

    For high-pressure explosion proof vacuum distribution equipment to achieve selective leakage protection function first using PLC-based high-speed counter determine the direction of the zero sequence current theory , the application of the theory of the system greatly improved the accuracy of the leakage protection .

  21. 在6~10kV成套配电装置中,由于电弧短路引起开关柜的故障率目前很高。

    For 6 ~ 10kV complete set of power distribution equipment , many faults of switchgear cabinet are mainly caused by arc short circuit .

  22. 750kV变电站敞开式配电装置雷电过电压计算研究

    Study on Simulating the Lightning Over-voltage in 750 kV AIS Substation

  23. 文章讨论了发电厂各车间0.4~10kV厂用配电装置电源、电动机等回路的自动化保护控制及其进入DCS方式等问题,并提出了实施方案。

    The automation protection and control of 0.4-10 kV auxiliary power system and the way by which it enters into DCS are discussed in this paper . Some relevant schemes are also put forward .

  24. 本产品适用于额定电压450/750V及以下或直流1000V及以下的配电装置中,作为电器、仪表、计算机的连接线。

    This product applies for connecting wire of electric appliance , apparatus or computer , used in distribution equipments with rated voltage up to and including.450/750V or.1000V .

  25. 全厂公用负荷设3段6kV配电装置,每机1段。

    Common load for the whole plant to be equipped the 3 sections of 6 kV switchgears , each section for each unit .

  26. 在某220kV变电站设计中提出采用管型母线布置型式的改进中型布置方案,适当提高一组母线高度以节约用地,是对当前220kV室外配电装置的一种设计优化。

    An optimum design of medium , type scheme using tube bus is adopted in the design of a 220 kV substation , in which a bus group is properly raised to reduce land occupation .

  27. 采取3m×3m均压网、块石、沥青混凝土地面填层等,以降低配电装置范围内的接触电压与跨步电压,保证运行安全。

    In order to lower contact voltage and cross voltage around switch device , to insure operation safety , we also take some measures , such as using voltage balance net with sizes 3m × 3m , block stone , asphalt concrete grouting layer on ground , etc.

  28. 我国的110~220kV高型配电装置采用的是软母线方案,其母线构架十分复杂,近年来限制了它的使用。

    The soft bus scheme is adopted in 110 ~ 220 kV distribution equipments with high type of arrangement in China , and its bus structural frame is very complex , which is restricted in use in recent years .

  29. 与其他配电装置型式相比,H-GIS具有很多优点,适合用于经济较好而土地资源较少的地区。

    Comparing with another type of switchgear , H - GIS has many advantages and is suitabLe for the area where economic condition is better and but ground - resource is scarce .

  30. 对某地区110kV变电站电气主接线及配电装置型式在过去十多年里的变化与发展情况进行分析,对由此而带来的变电站一、二次设备的简化与发展情况也进行了探讨。

    The change and development of main electrical connection and distribution equipment type in a 110 kV substation for the past ten years are analyzed , and the simplification and development for primary equipment and secondary equipment of such substation as a consequence are discussed as well .