
pèi diàn xiàn lù
  • distribution line
  1. 馈线自动化系统(FAS&FeederAutomationSystem)是对配电线路上的设备进行远方监视、协调及控制的集成系统。

    FAS ( Feeder automation system ) is an integrated system that monitoring , harmonizing and controlling for device of distribution line .

  2. 10kV环网配电线路的自动化改造

    Automation remake of 10 kV loop network distribution line

  3. 城市架空配电线路入地改造的探讨关于{x/n}的分布

    Research on transforming urban overhead distribution power lines underground

  4. 集成有10位ADC的DSP在配电线路测量与保护中的应用

    Application of DSP Integrated 10 Bit ADC in Circuit Measurement and Protecting

  5. 基于GIS和无线网络的配电线路数据采集和巡检系统应用研究

    Research and Application of Power Lines Data Acquisition and Inspection System Based On GIS and Wireless Network Technology

  6. 基于GPRS技术的配电线路故障自动定位系统

    Auto fault locating system for distribution feeders based on GPRS technique

  7. 中国国家电网公司(StateGrid)正在购买拥有巴西输配电线路的多家公司的股份,这笔交易总价达17亿美元,为中巴两国第二大跨境交易。

    State Grid of China is in the process of buying stakes in companies that own transmission lines in Brazil in the second-biggest cross-border deal , totaling $ 1.7 billion .

  8. 计及SVC影响的10kV配电线路的理论线损计算

    Computation of the Theoretical Loss for 10 kV Distribution Lines with SVCs

  9. 基于Visio的配电线路无功补偿优化配置软件的开发与应用

    Distribution feeder optimal reactive power compensation software development based on Visio and its application

  10. 10kV配电线路非节点无功优化算法

    Algorithm of Non-node Reactive Power Optimization for 10 kV Distribution Lines

  11. 10kV配电线路合闸涌流测试分析

    Analysis of On-off Inrush Characteristics of 10 kV Distribution Lines

  12. 10kV配电线路保护定值的整定探讨

    Exploration on Protection Setting Coordination of 10 kV Distribution Lines

  13. 灵敏度指标在10kV配电线路无功补偿中的应用

    Sensitivity Indexes Used for the Reactive Compensation on 10 kV Distribution Feeders

  14. 城市10kV配电线路隐蔽性安全隐患分析及防范

    Analysis and Prevention of Hidden Safety Danger on 10 kV Urban Distribution Lines

  15. 10kV绝缘导线配电线路断线机理分析

    Analysis on Wire Breakage Mechanism of 10 kV Insulated Conductor for Distribution Lines

  16. 10kV配电线路防雷措施的改进

    Improve on Preventing Thunder-harm Measures of 10 kV Power Distribution Line and Equipments

  17. 10kV架空配电线路常见事故分析及防范措施

    Analysis of Common Failure of 10 kV Overhead Distribution Line and its Preventive

  18. 10kV配电线路防雷措施研究与应用

    Research on Protection Measures against Lightning for 10 kV Distribution Line and Its Application

  19. 10kV配电线路单相接地故障的检测和预防

    Prevention and Detection of Single - phase Grounding Fault for 10 kV Distribution Line

  20. 10kV配电线路带负荷更换线路断路器作业方法

    Maintenance way of replacement line breaker on load for a 10 kV distribution line

  21. 提高10kV配电线路功率因数和输电能力的探讨

    Discussion on Improvement of Power Factor and Transmission Capability of 10 kV Distribution Lines

  22. 10KV配电线路线损的计算与分析

    The Calculation and the Analysis for the Circuital Loss of the 10 KV Distribution Line

  23. 应用线路避雷器提高10kV配电线路防雷性能的研究

    Study on line arrester applied to improve the lightning performance of 10 kV distribution lines

  24. 煤矿35kV配电线路行波故障测距技术

    Fault locating of 35 kV transmission lines in coalmine based on traveling waves

  25. 对10kV配电线路用带电作业取代停电作业相关问题的探讨

    Discussions on Relevant Problems concerning Replacing Power-cut Work with Live-line Work for 10 kV Distribution Line

  26. 从模式识别的观点出发,研究了10kV配电线路故障区段的自动定位问题。

    In this paper automatic fault location in the distribution network is discussed in the view of Pattern Recognition .

  27. 就10kV架空配电线路的常发事故进行了分析,提出了10kV架空配电线路的防范措施。

    The Common failure of 10 kV overhead distribution line was analyzed . The preventive measures were put forward .

  28. 某农网10kV配电线路线损分析及降损措施

    The Analysis of the Loss of the 10 kV Distribution Line of a Rural Power Network and the Measures to Take

  29. 利用RBF网络强的拟合特性映射线损与特征参数之间复杂的非线性关系,使网络学习了配电线路在结构参数和运行参数变化时线损的趋势规律。

    RBF network is adopted to map complex non - linear relation between energy losses and characteristic parameter of distribution net , the trend of energy losses varying with distribution net structure and operation parameters is learnt accurately .

  30. 本文通过对现有故障定位方法的研究,提出了一种适合于中压配电线路的单相接地故障的C型行波定位方法,该方法的特点是对带有分支的配电线路进行故障定位。

    After researching various methods of fault location , in this paper we propose a single-phase-to-ground fault location method & C Traveling Wave Method , which is special for MV distribution lines . The method character is that it can locate the fault in a power distribution lines with branches .