
pèi jiàn
  • accessory;fittings (of a machine);fitting;parts;spare part;a replacement;module;fittings of a machine
配件 [pèi jiàn]
  • (1) [fittings (of a machine,etc.)]∶装配机器等的零件或部件

  • 管子配件

  • (2) [a replacement]∶修理机器等所用的零件或部件

配件[pèi jiàn]
  1. 基于Matlab的质量控制图在汽配件制造中的应用

    The Application of Quality Control Chart Based on Matlab in the Manufacture of Automobile Parts

  2. 我国加入WTO,使得汽车配件受到极大冲击。

    China 's entry into WTO was really a great shock to the automobile spare parts industry .

  3. 有些旧型号汽车可能不好买配件。

    It can be difficult to get spares for some older makes of car .

  4. 这台电脑的所有零星配件还在盒子里。

    All the gubbins that came with the computer is still in the box .

  5. 该商店专营新的一系列配件。

    The shop is devoted to a new range of accessories .

  6. 你有没有弄到需要的各种螺钉和配件?

    Have you got all the screws and fixings you need ?

  7. 生锈和掉漆说明金属配件损毁严重。

    Rust and flaking paint mean the metalwork is in poor condition .

  8. 为了找到最好的配件,他们寻遍了每个地方。

    They 've combed the four corners of the world for the best accessories

  9. 他给老式汽车制作过配件。

    He has made fittings for antique cars .

  10. 他们变得痴迷于给自己的车辆装备小配件,以应付可能出现的各种紧急情况。

    They become obsessed with trying to equip their vehicles with gadgets to deal with every possible contingency

  11. 该公司为全国汽车零配件市场提供各种零配件和休闲旅游车产品。

    The company serves the national automotive aftermarket with a broad range of accessory and recreational-vehicle products .

  12. 存储媒介确实很大程度上降低了摄影的开支,但是器材和配件的费用依旧很高。

    The digital medium does mean shooting costs are substantially lowered , but equipment and accessory costs can be still high .

  13. 允许非常规合作伙伴(如来自两个不同行业的两家公司)在价值链特定方面合作,对双方都有益。在本例中,就是一家发动机公司和一家配件公司合作。

    The partnership benefits both sides by allowing unconventional partners ( for example , two companies from two different industries ) to work together on a specific aspect of the value chain , like , in this example , an engine firm with an accessory one .

  14. 如果我妈妈没有把一个愚蠢的自行车配件变成我今天随身带着的人生课程,我就不会是现在这个样子。

    I would be a different person if my mom hadn 't turned a silly bicycle accessory into a life lesson I carry with me today .

  15. Mickey,Minnie,DonaldDuck,Pinocchio和大多数迪士尼角色都有一个普通手套配件。

    Mickey , Minnie , Donald Duck , Pinocchio , and most Disney characters all have one accessory in common — gloves .

  16. 各种各样的家居装饰物及配件

    a range of furnishings and accessories for the home

  17. 制粒机、膨化机、粉碎机、微粉碎机、破碎机、分级筛等设备配件、易损件

    For pellet mill , extruder , hammer mill , pulverizer , crumbler , rotary screener .

  18. 如果矫形外科医生告知需要一些特殊配件,比如矫正器或凝胶鞋垫,请遵医嘱。

    If an orthopedist tells you that you need special inserts like orthotics or gel soles , use them .

  19. “电脑狂暴症”是指由于极度愤怒或沮丧,所引发的对电脑或配件的“拳打脚踢”或“言语羞辱”。

    Computer rage is physical or verbal abuse towards a computer or computer-related accessory due to heightened anger or frustration1 .

  20. 本公司主要经营LCD辅助材料及配件。

    Our company mainly engaged in LCD auxiliary materials and accessories .

  21. 转K2弹簧是货车转K2型转向架上的重要配件。它主要起承载、减振作用,是保证货车正常运行、避免发生灾难性事故的重要配件。

    K2 type interior helical spring is one of the important fittings on K2 type bogie for freight car .

  22. J2EE服务器只是现有开放源码服务组件的一种特定配件。

    A J2EE server is just one specific assembly of existing open source service components .

  23. UGⅡ中装配件特殊运动的实现

    Realization of the special motion simulation of assembly in UG ⅱ

  24. Geronimo中的配件(assembly)概念使您能够创建Geronimo的专门版本,其中只包含您需要的服务器组件。

    The concept of assemblies in Geronimo enables you to create specialized versions of Geronimo that contain only the server components you need .

  25. PCCP输水管道管配件制造及质量控制

    Manufacturing and Quality Controlling of the Fittings of PCCP Waterline Pipe

  26. 本公司是专业生产SPA,按摩缸,沐浴房等卫浴配件的厂家。

    This company is specialized production SPA , massages the cylinder , showers health bath fitting and so on room factories .

  27. 芯层发泡、内壁螺旋PVC-U排水管材及配件的研制

    Development of PVC - U pipes with foaming core and spiral inner wall and necessary fittings

  28. 通过这次新政与AC米兰,我们打算推动了大量的文章,绑米兰除了传统类喜欢运动鞋,运动服装及配件。

    Through this new deal with AC Milan we intend to promote a large amount of articles tied to Milan aside from the traditional categories like sporting shoes , sporting clothes and accessories .

  29. 相反,任天堂或许会将注意力转向WiiUGamePad游戏手柄这样的配件。

    Instead , Nintendo may seek to concentrate on accessories such as the Wii u gamepad .

  30. 上世纪90年代中期,丰田公司(Toyota)的一家子公司为了追踪汽车配件而发明了二维码。问世之初,二维码提供的信息就多于传统条码。

    Created by a Toyota ( TM ) subsidiary in the mid-1990s to track auto parts , QR codes were designed to deliver more information than the traditional barcode .