
  • 网络biconical antenna;bi-conical antenna
  1. 其次研究了宽角有限长双锥天线的宽带特性,解析地求出了宽角有限长双锥天线的输入阻抗和电压驻波比等参数,并通过CST微波工作室的仿真验证了结果的正确性。

    Secondly , the broadband characteristics of the wide-angle biconical antenna have been researched and parameters such as input impedance and VSWR are resolved . Simulations are carried out by CST microwave studio to demonstrate validity of the results .

  2. 运用线天线矩量法,对电磁兼容测试中常用的工作在100MHz左右的导线双锥天线进行分段,求得天线电流分布及辐射特性。

    Using the method of moment ( MOM ) in wire antennas , the biconical antenna widely used in EMC tests , working at the frequency of around 100 MHz is divided into segments , and then the current distribution and the radiation property is provided .

  3. 采用非接触方法,利用双锥天线检测从气体绝缘变电站(GIS)内部泄漏出来的电磁波信号,并进行处理,以判断其内部是否发生放电。

    This paper adopted a non-contact method to detect the electromagnetic wave leaked from inside of a Gas Insulated Station ( GIS ) using biconical antennas and processed it to judge whether there happened discharge inside the GIS .

  4. 以同轴波导馈电的双锥天线和自补偿阿基米德四臂螺旋天线为例讨论了多模式天线在MIMO技术中的应用。

    In this dissertation , two antennas , biconical multibeam antenna and self-complementary , archimedian , four-arm spiral antenna , are discussed to introduce the applications of multimode antennas in MIMO systems .

  5. 高功率超宽带同轴双锥天线的设计和实验

    Design and experiment of high power ultra wide band coaxial biconical

  6. 有限长双锥天线的宽波束与低副瓣研究

    Research on Wide Beam and Low Sidelobe of Finite Biconical Antenna

  7. 用于电磁兼容测试的双锥天线矩量法建模与计算

    Application of MOM in Modeling and Computing of Biconical Antenna Used in EMC Tests

  8. 任意锥角有限长双锥天线电磁特性的仿真研究

    Simulation study on the electromagnetic characteristics of the biconical antennas for finite length and arbitrary

  9. 介绍了利用充氮气自击穿开关产生双极脉冲,并通过同轴双锥天线辐射的实验研究。

    A high voltage bipolar pulse generated by self-breakdown switch filled in nitrogen and radiated by coaxial-conic antenna is described .

  10. 所给出的椭圆双锥天线有关公式可以用来分析许多类型的锥天线,包括非对称锥天线。

    The antenna studied is a universal model which can be used to analyse many type of conical antennas including asymmetrical ones .

  11. 在特定波束双锥天线的设计中,提出了基于曲折型母线的波束设计方法。

    In the design of a biconical antenna with specific beam , a beam designing method based on meandered mother-lines is proposed .

  12. 用口径场的方法对有限长同轴双锥天线进行了分析和设计。

    The radiation fields and the design of coaxial biconical antenna are obtained with the field of equivalent Huggens source on the spherical surface aperture .

  13. 本文主要针对常用电磁兼容宽带测量线天线研究,典型代表有半波振子天线、双锥天线、对数周期天线、圆锥对数螺旋天线。

    In this paper , common broadband measurement wire antennas are developed , such as half-wave dipole antenna , biconical antenna , log-periodic antenna and conical log-spiral antenna .

  14. 简要介绍了传统的多种宽带天线,如偶极子天线、等角螺旋天线、对数周期天线、开槽天线、双锥天线等;

    Briefly introduces kinds of traditional wideband antenna , Such as dipole antenna , equiangular spiral antenna , logarithm periodic antenna , tapered slot antenna , biconical antenna ;

  15. 应用坐标变换和保角变换的方法研究具有椭圆截面的双锥天线和V-锥天线。

    The methods of coordinate transformation and conformal mapping are applied to study the problems of radiation from a biconical antenna and V-conical antenna with elliptic cross sections ( BAE and VCAE ) .

  16. 然后,分别以双锥天线和对称振子为基础,设计了两种适合组成直线阵列的宽带天线单元。

    Then , in the second part , two wideband antennas , which can be used as the elements in a lengthwise array , are designed based on the bicone antenna and dipole respectively .

  17. 利用共轴型同轴线分支结构,实现了双盘锥天线一体化;

    A double discone antenna is integrated by the coaxial branch pipe .

  18. 一体化双盘锥天线的研制

    A Study of Integrated Double discone Antenna

  19. 该模拟器的双锥笼形天线能在大范围内(大于等于50m,水平方向)产生均匀分布、高峰值场强、快前沿的电磁脉冲。

    This kind of antenna can generate uniformly distributed EMP with high electric field strength and short rise time in a large area (≥ 50m , horizontal directions ) .