
  • 网络Passband Ripple;dBP-P
  1. HDTV中均衡器对付带内波动的能力

    The Ability of the Equalizer in HDTV Coping with Passband Ripples

  2. 该产品在-40℃~+85℃环境温度范围工作时,带内波动≤2dB,载频抑制接近80dB,矩形系数≤1.2,插入损耗≤2dB。

    When this kind of productions are working in the operation temperature range of-40 ~ + 85 ℃, the suppressed carrier frequency approaches 80 dB , the rectangle coefficient is not larger than 1.2 , and the band fluctuation and insertion loss are all less than 2 dB .

  3. 实际测试效果,工作频带宽,带内增益波动小,线性度高,语音通信通话清晰、通讯稳定。

    Actual test results , frequency band , with small fluctuations in gain , linearity and high , clear voice calls , communication and stability .

  4. 成矿带内δ34S波动于0‰~10‰之间,变化不大,具有深部来源硫的特征。

    δ 34 S value in the gold ore belt changes not too wide , only 0 % ~ 10 % , which implies the sulfur was derived from a depth source .

  5. 收发信机设备时延零值的变化和通带内群时延的波动直接影响到星间双向测距的精度。

    The accuracy of dual-way pseudo ranging is directly influenced by delay variation in transceiver .

  6. 采用高频结构模拟软件模拟1/4λ同轴型带通微波陶瓷滤波器结构,讨论了耦合槽直径对滤波器的性能如带宽、插损、带内波动、阻带抑制等的影响。

    In this study the relation between the structure parameter ( such as coupling aperture diameter d ) of 1 / 4 λ microwave band-pass dielectric filter and its final microwave properties ( such as bandwidth , passband ripple , insertion loss and stop-band attenuation ) is discussed .