
  • 网络Bandwidth allocation;QOS;DBA
  1. 一种基于VirtualClock的自适应成比例带宽分配算法

    A Proportional Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm Based on Virtual Clock

  2. Internet带宽分配的公平性研究

    Fairness of Internet Bandwidth Allocation

  3. 提出了一种适用于卫星IP广播网络的带宽分配策略。

    A bandwidth allocation scheme for satellite IP broadcast network is proposed .

  4. 基于overlaynetwork的网格虚拟端到端带宽分配问题研究

    Research on Virtual Grid End to End Bandwidth Provisioning Based on Overlay Network

  5. 基于收入值的IP网络带宽分配研究

    The Research on Revenue-based Bandwidth Allocation in IP Networks

  6. 基于TCP/IP的ForCES传输映射层带宽分配机制研究

    Research on Bandwidth Allocation Mechanism for Transport Mapping Layer of ForCES Based on TCP / IP

  7. 提出了一种P2P点播的服务器带宽分配算法。

    This dissertation presents a server bandwidth allocation algorithm of P2P VoD .

  8. 一种基于无线多媒体业务的可升降级QoS动态带宽分配与优化策略

    A Changeable QoS Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation and Optimization Strategy Supporting Wireless Multimedia Traffics

  9. 基于Linux的带宽分配软件的开发

    Developing Bandwidth Apportion Software Based on Linux

  10. ATM网络带宽分配优化问题是NP-完全问题。

    The bandwidth allocation problem in ATM networks is NP-complete .

  11. 等效频谱带宽分配的多媒体CDMA系统媒质接入控制

    Medium access control of multimedia CDMA systems with effective spectral bandwidth distribution

  12. 一种新的支持多业务的CDMA网络可升降级动态带宽分配与优化策略

    A Novel Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation and Optimization Strategy Supporting Multi-Traffics for CDMA Networks

  13. 支持QoS的EPON上行动态带宽分配算法设计

    Design of DBA Algorithm in EPON Upstream Channel in Support of QoS

  14. ATM网的带宽分配及呼叫允许控制的研究

    Bandwidth allocation and Admission Control in ATM Networks

  15. 新一代SDH关键技术和动态带宽分配的实现

    Key Next-generation SDH Technologies and Implementation of Bandwidth on Demand

  16. EPON动态带宽分配的QOS特性分析

    Qos characteristic analysis of EPON about dynamic bandwidth allocation

  17. 一种基于HFC的DTV和IP业务动态带宽分配机制

    A Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Mechanism Between DTV and IP Service Based on HFC

  18. 高效的动态带宽分配算法可以使系统的带宽得到充分的利用,同时可以使得各种不同QOS需求的业务得到合理的带宽分配。

    With efficient dynamic bandwidth allocation arithmetic , reasonable bandwidth can be got by services of different QOS .

  19. 提出一种短流优先的公平带宽分配机制FPIP(fairPIP)。

    This paper proposes a fair bandwidth allocation mechanism F PIP ( fair PIP ) .

  20. 当有一新的连接要求时,它通过计算损失业务目标函数Q来调整带宽分配。

    When a new connection is requested , the bandwidth assignment is adjusted by overflow traffic target function Q .

  21. 无线网络自适应带宽分配算法是提供业务QoS保障的核心技术。

    Adaptive bandwidth allocation algorithms in wireless network is one of the key techniques for providing guaranteed QoS services .

  22. EthernetPON上行接入技术与动态带宽分配算法的研究

    Study of Unstream Access Technology and Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm in Ethernet PON

  23. HFC网络中上行带宽分配算法的研究

    Research of Upstream Channel Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm In HFC Network

  24. EPON中动态带宽分配算法的研究及性能分析

    Research and Performance Analysis of Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithms in EPON

  25. VoD系统中基于优先级的准入控制和带宽分配策略

    An Access Control and Bandwidth Allocation Policy Based on Priority in VoD Systems

  26. 一种新的EPON动态带宽分配方法的研究

    Research of a New Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Scheme in EPON

  27. 支持用户SLA的公平EPON带宽分配算法

    A Fair Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm for EPON with Service Level Agreement Supporting

  28. ABR业务计费机制及带宽分配算法

    Study on Charging of ABR Service and Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm

  29. 所提出的支持QoS的带宽分配机制不仅能够保证全网的帕累托最优,还能够保证各个业务和连接之间合理的公平性。

    The scheme can not only offer Pareto optimality for entire system , but also assures fairness among services and connections .

  30. 一种EPON带宽分配算法的实用方案

    A Practical Scheme of Dynamic Bandwidth Distribution in EPON