
línɡ ɡù zhànɡ
  • Zero fault;zero breakdown;troubleproof
  1. 采用d、q轴抛载法测量同步电机参数6号汽轮发电机组负荷异常降低到零故障分析

    Application of the d , q-axes Load Rejection Method to Measuring Parameters of Synchronous Electric Machine

  2. 应用表明,高炉由改造前的平均每年发生料位测量信号故障7.7次、休风12.8h、慢风41h,达到零故障。

    The application has proved that the trouble ratio has been up to zero from producing burden level signal trouble 7.7 times , wind off 12.8h , slow wind 41h mean every year before reforming of BF .

  3. 零故障情况下指数型数据环境因子计算方法

    The Calculation Method for Environment Factor of Exponential Datum in Zero Failure

  4. 零故障设备管理在连铸机上应用

    Application of no - breakdown equipment arrangement on continuous casting

  5. 自动化设备零故障运行系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Automation Device Working System Based on Operation of Zero-failure

  6. 计算机控制系统的零故障管理

    Management for zero failure of computer control system

  7. 搞好设备的检修与改造,向设备零故障迈进

    Doing Well Maintenance and Transformation of Devices to Realize Zero Fault of the Devices

  8. 然而,它们也很难做到零故障运营。

    However , they are hardly glitch-free .

  9. 谈设备零故障管理

    Zero failure management of equipment

  10. 为使企业内关键装备趋于零故障运转,提出了一种基于隐马尔科夫链模型的装备运行可靠性预测方法。

    A novel HMC-based operation reliability prediction method was proposed herein in order to achieve the near-zero breakdown status of core equipment .

  11. 推导寿命符合二参数威布尔分布时小子样可靠寿命零故障试验设计方法的理论公式,并给出置信度为95%时的相应寿命试验设计系数表。

    The theoretical formulas of the design method were deduced for experimental assessment of reliable life by small samples with the two-parameter Weibull distribution .

  12. 伴随着企业机械化、自动化程度的日益提高,企业对设备的依赖也水涨船高,如何挑战设备零故障、尽可能发挥设备综合效率,成了制造型企业关注的焦点课题。

    With the rising development of mechanization and automation in corporate , the level of rising dependence on machine is also " gone up " . How to challenge the device to zero failures , maximize OEE has become to the " focus " topic towards concern manufacturing enterprises .

  13. 船舶电力系统中交流配电网零线故障的诊断

    Zero Line Fault Diagnosis in AC Power Distribution of Ship Power System

  14. 增量式测量系统的数控机床回零的故障分析与排除

    Analysis of Zeroing Fault of NC Machine Tool with Incremental Measure System and the Solution

  15. 光学经纬仪竖盘指标自动归零补偿器故障分析及处理

    Automatic Zero - set Device for the Verticle Circle of the Optical Theodolite Stoppage Analysis and Disposal

  16. 三相四线制低压配电系统零线故障对安全用电的影响及保护措施

    Influence of the neutral wire trouble in three-phase four-line system on safe power consumption and its protective measure

  17. 但电压过零附近故障会引起较大的衰减直流分量,可以构成基于衰减直流分量的暂态量选线方法。

    Therefore , the decaying DC component may be used to build a new fault line selection approach .

  18. 提出了一种利用衰减直流分量的故障选线方法,用来克服现有高频暂态量选线方法在电压过零附近故障时灵敏度低的缺点。

    A new approach for selecting faulted line was presented based on decaying DC component , which can be used to overcome the defect that the method based on transient component is insensitive at the faulted phase voltage near zero-cross .

  19. 通过利用性能衰退预测和嵌入式智能代理两大关键技术,基于该方式的智能维护系统可使企业的设备/产品获得接近于零的故障停机率。

    By adopting the performance degradation prediction technique and the embedded intelligent agent technique , the adaptive remote diagnosing system became more affordable and feasible than existing ones . The Intelligent Maintenance System using this remote diagnosing technology enables the devices / products to achieve predictive near-zero-downtime performance .

  20. TN-C系统零线断线故障成因及预防

    Causes and Prevention of Zero Line Break in TN-C Power Supply System

  21. 一起三相四线制配电系统零线断线故障事故分析

    An Analysis of a Neutral Line Break Fault in Three-phase Four-wire System

  22. 加工中心刀库零位检测故障分析两例

    Two Examples of Zero-test Error Analysis for Tool Storage of Machining Center

  23. 低压供电系统中零线断线故障的防护措施

    The Protection Measure of Disconnection Malfunction in Null Line Low Voltage Feed System

  24. 仿真结果表明此方法是有效的,不仅消除了零偏对故障诊断的影响,而且提高了故障检测率及可靠性。

    The influences to the fault diagnosis by zero deviation are eliminated and the fault detection rate is improved as well as the reliability .

  25. 模拟电路中非零交叉情况下故障最小范围的确定方法

    Method for Determining the Minimum Existent Range of Fault Elements for Non-null Intersection in Analog Circuits

  26. 分析了功率振荡过程中能量函数的变化,提出了衰减振荡能量的阻尼控制策略,目的是使系统暂态能量以最快的速度归零,即回到故障后的稳定平衡点。

    The conversion of energy function during oscillation period is analyzed and damping control strategy of reducing oscillation energy is proposed which aims at reducing oscillation energy to zero as quickly as possible , namely returns to the steady state position after fault .

  27. 一些智能算法得到了实现,如断续表面测量、量程自动转换、自动零位调整、故障自诊断和非线性补偿等,使主动测量仪具有了较高的智能化程度。

    Moreover , some intelligent features , such as chopping surface measurement , measuring range auto change , auto to zero , nonlinear compensation and fault diagnosis , have been put into practice , which makes the active measuring instrument higher lever of intelligence .

  28. 小子样零构件可靠寿命零故障试验评估方法

    Testing assessment method of reliable life by zero-failure experiments of small sample components

  29. 从基本理论出发,以JZ2型晶体管指零仪为实例,通过对其组成部分工作原理的分析,简要介绍了几例晶体管指零仪常见故障的修理和调试方法。

    Starting from the basic theory , the article introduces taking model JZ 2 transistor zero pointing meter as an actual example via analysis on its consisting components working principle , several examples of transistor zero pointing meter 's normal break-down repairing and commissioning methods .