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líng tóu
  • odd;remnant;change;small change;fractional amount;odd lot;fragmentary material
零头 [líng tóu]
  • (1) [fractional amount;odd lot]∶凑不成整数的零碎部分

  • 这个袋子装一百斤,剩下四斤零头怎么办?

  • (2) [fragmentary material]∶整块材料用毕后的剩余部分

  • 一块零头布

零头[líng tóu]
  1. 他把那零头一先令留归自己,并声称,他实在吃不消把一大笔钱锁起来不用。

    The odd shilling he kept for himself , protesting he could ill afford to have so great a sum of money lying " locked up " .

  2. 该方法以计数器法测取脉冲的主体宽度,用时间-电压转换法测取脉冲的零头时间,并以此作为量化误差的校正值。

    In this method the main part of the pulse width is measured by counter , and the odd of the pulse width is measured by time-voltage conversion method . The odd is considered to be the correction of the quantization error .

  3. 二手车的花费只是新车的零头。

    A second-hand car costs a fraction of a new one .

  4. 布大部分用完了,只剩下一些零头。

    We have used up most of the cloth , and all we have left is a few bits and pieces .

  5. 秋天,这北国的秋天,若留得往的话,我愿把寿命的三分之二折去,换得一个三分之一的零头。

    Autumn , I mean Northern autumn , if only it could be made to last forever ! I would be more than willing to keep but one-third of my life-span and have two-thirds of it bartered for the prolonged stay of the season !

  6. SCS模型在流域尺度水文模拟中的应用整数系列与零头系列

    Application of SCS model to hydrological simulation at an agricultural watershed scale

  7. 这跟季度销量在千万级的iPhone比起来只是零头。

    That is peanuts compared with the tens of millions of iPhones that fly off the shelves every quarter .

  8. 用ATC解决在分布式环境下零头策略的实施问题。

    Use ATC to solve the application problem of oddment tactic in distributed scenario .

  9. VMI系统中的零头策略

    Oddment tactic in VMI system

  10. 带有该品牌标志性“双G”金属搭扣的皮带正常零售价在250欧元至1500欧元之间,而假货的价格只有这一价格的一个零头。

    Leather belts bearing the brand 's distinctive " double Gancini " metal buckle retail for between 250 and 1500 , although fakes were being offered for a fraction of this cost .

  11. 多元非线性回归模型GLS估计的渐近性质整数系列与零头系列

    Asymptotical properties of generalized least squares estimation for multiple nonlinear regression models

  12. 和HDMI连接线相比,以太网网线的价格只是一个零头。

    Ethermet cables are a fraction of the price of HDMI connectors .

  13. 交易所交易基金(Exchange-tradedfunds)提供了广泛的股票组合,收取的管理费却只是共同基金的一个零头。

    Exchange-traded funds offer broad baskets of stocks and charge a management fee that 's often just a fraction of those at mutual funds .

  14. 虽然ACE项目的投资力度只是花生项目的零头,但它同样也是1947年的一个重要政府项目。

    The ACE , likewise , though it represented only a fraction of the investment in the groundout scheme , was still in 1947 a highly progressive project .

  15. 为了解决VMI系统中供应商的总供货量不是整车量的整数倍问题,提出了零头策略。

    Oddment tactic is proposed in order to solve the problem that the total transportation quantity of a supplier doesn 't meent full truckload requirement in a VMI system .

  16. 这种飞机每飞行小时的花费约为3000美元,只是F-16执行例行任务所需成本的一个零头。

    With an estimated cost-per-flight-hour of roughly $ 3,000 , the jet would consume a fraction of the operating cost of an F-16 for routine missions .

  17. 给出了零头策略的基本概念,通过数学规划设计了零头分配模型,描述了零头操作的选择方法,并根据Shapley值方法设计了零头策略的收益分配机制。

    The basic concept of oddment tactic is presented , designs oddment allocation models by mathematical programming , describes the selection method of oddment operation , and determines the reasonable benefit allocation mechanism of oddment tactic by using Shapley Value .

  18. 于是,他在Udacity创立了一种新模式,提供被称为微学位(nanodegree)的证书。这种证书所需成本只有传统教育项目成本的零头,并且得到雇主的认可。

    Instead , he created a model at Udacity based on supplying credentials , called nanodegrees , that cost a fraction of the cost of traditional programmes and are endorsed by employers .

  19. 目前这些股份的价值只有当初投资的零头。

    Those investments are now worth a fraction of their value .

  20. 去掉零头只保留成数就行了。

    Keep the round number , and take out the remainder .

  21. 狄克逊只是个计划的零头,威克斯勒死了。

    Dixon , change of plans . wexler 's dead .

  22. 虽然这个数字也很大,但不过是埃克森美孚市值的一个零头。

    That 's still large , but nowhere close to Exxon Mobil .

  23. 她廉价购得一块零头丝布。

    She bought a remnant of silk at a bargain .

  24. 这块零头布足够做个围裙了。

    The remnant is large enough for an apron .

  25. 你经常能够只花原价的一个零头就买到九成新的货品。

    You can often get nearly new for a fraction of the cost .

  26. 只是奇怪为什么非要有个零头1块钱呢?

    But it is strange why always an " extra " 1 rbs .

  27. 名望吗?那不过是光荣的零头。

    Popularity ? It 's glory 's small change .

  28. 这就是她偷去的那块零头缎子。

    There 's the remnant of satin she stole .

  29. 她将零头布凑成整块。

    She pieced together odds and ends of cloth .

  30. 你可以让900元走吗?意思为:我可以花900元买它吗?这里是要求收银员把零头抹去的表达方法。

    Can you let it go for900 yuan ?