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bāo jiǎo zi
  • make dumplings;Making Dumplings;Making Jiaozi;make jiaozi [dumplings]
  1. 你来得真巧,我们今天正好包饺子。

    You 've come just at the right time . we 're just about to make jiaozi .

  2. 怎样包饺子?

    How to Make Jiaozi ( dumpling )?

  3. W:我正在包饺子以备不时之需。

    W : I 'm making some dumplings for support .

  4. 今天下午,我妈妈准备包饺子当晚饭。

    This afternoon , my mother prepared to make dumplings for dinner .

  5. 他们学会了包饺子,练中国功夫和剪纸。

    They learned to make dumplings , play Chinese kung fu and do paper cutting .

  6. 她住院时,我也有包饺子给她吃。

    I made dumplings for her when she was in hospital .

  7. 找一个朋友帮忙做馅料,包饺子。

    Rope a friend into helping stuff and crimp the wrappers .

  8. “媳妇,快包饺子,过年!”

    " Daughter-in-law , let 's start making dumplings for the festival !"

  9. 妈妈正剁肉准备包饺子。

    Mom is cutting up the meat to make dumplings .

  10. 马克:有啊,春节时人们更加喜欢在家里包饺子吃。

    Mark : Yeah , people prefer to make them at home .

  11. 离开家人,这是我人生第一次自己包饺子。

    This was the frist time I made the dumplings .

  12. 再说,西葫芦包饺子也很好吃的。

    Anyway , dumplings with courgette are also very tasty .

  13. 太好吃了。我们过春节包饺子。

    How delicious ! We make dumplings on Spring Festival .

  14. 我们总是在中国新年的时候包饺子。

    We always make dumplings for the Chinese New Year !

  15. 他们一家甚至学会了如何在闲暇时间包饺子。

    They even learnt how to make dumplings in their spare time .

  16. 今天是大年三十儿,家家户户都在包饺子准备过年。

    Today is the last day of the year in lunar calendar .

  17. 这家粮店把面粉加工成面皮供包饺子用。

    The grain store processed flour wrappers for Chinese dumplings .

  18. 我第一次包饺子,大家看看饺子好看吗?

    My first dumplings , everyone see dumplings good-looking ?

  19. 她正在教我怎样包饺子。

    She 's teaching me how to make dumplings .

  20. 有时我们去同学家里包饺子。

    Sometimes we go to classmates'home to eat Jiaozhi .

  21. 在春节里我们包饺子。

    During the Spring Festival , we make dumplings .

  22. 中秋节我们会赏花灯,吃月饼,包饺子。

    Mid-Autumn Festival will be flowers light , eat moon cake , dumplings .

  23. 不一会儿全家人都围在一起包饺子。

    Instantly the whole family gathered to make dumplings .

  24. 是的,也许你们会学会怎样包饺子。

    Yes , maybe you will learn how to make dumplings , too .

  25. 包饺子机的可靠性设计与参数估计

    Reliability Design and Parametric Assessed of Dumpling Machine

  26. 包饺子是他的拿手好戏。

    To make stuffed dumpling is his speciality .

  27. 在北方,那是一定会包饺子的。

    People in the North definitely make dumplings .

  28. 在新年前夜包饺子是一个传统。

    It is a tradition to make dumplings in the New Year 's Eve .

  29. 人们经常在家包饺子。

    Usually people make dumplings at home .

  30. 修理电视机除夕之夜,家家都在高兴地包饺子看电视。

    On the eve of Spring Festival , people were making dumplings while watching TV .