
bāo bì
  • cover up;shield;harbor;harbour;screen;secretly defend
包庇 [bāo bì]
  • (1) [shield;harbor;cover up]∶以权势来掩护他人不正当的行为,使其隐秘而不被告发

  • (2) [secretly defend]∶暗中保护

  • 包庇有罪

  • 包庇坏人

包庇[bāo bì]
  1. 例句:谣言不胫而走,说他曾包庇走私。

    The rumor1 somehow went about that he used to shield smuggling2 .

  2. 他对法庭说谎以包庇自己的朋友。

    He lied to the court to shield his friend .

  3. 她为什么要包庇想要杀她的人呢?

    Why would she cover for someone who was trying to kill her ?

  4. 两人串通一气,互相包庇。

    Acting in collusion , the two of them shielded each other .

  5. 国家官员不得支持、包庇不正当竞争行为。

    No functionary may support or cover up unfair competition acts .

  6. 我觉得你不该再包庇任何人。

    I think you need to stop protecting everyone from themselves .

  7. 你因为包庇吴玄宇而被逮捕过一次,对吧?

    You 've been arrested once for harboring oh hyun-woo , correct ?

  8. 论窝藏、包庇罪的行为对象&犯罪的人含义辨析

    Analyze on the Act Target of Protecting or Harboring Criminals

  9. 关于增设包庇、纵容恐怖活动组织罪的立法探讨

    Suggestion on Adding Crime of Shielding or Conniving Terroristic Organization

  10. 这是他包庇,偏私的最初的暗示。

    This was his first hint at graft , favoritism .

  11. 和那些可能正包庇他或她的人

    And anyone who could be protecting him or her .

  12. 你不能因为是他的律师就包庇他

    You don 't have to stand behind attorney-client privilege .

  13. 你不能包庇该罪犯而不起诉他。

    You can 't shield this criminal from prosecution .

  14. 我说,比安卡是在包庇某人。

    I think Bianca is covering for her father .

  15. 你包庇她会惹下麻烦的。

    You would get into trouble for harboring her .

  16. 虽然没有获证,但是反对者也嗅到了包庇气味。

    Opponents smell a cover-up , even though there is no evidence of one .

  17. 这个事件涉嫌包庇非法活动。

    It involved the cover-up of illegal activities .

  18. 我不想包庇你。

    I 'll not screen you from blame .

  19. 劝我来包庇你是不可能的。

    It is impossible to try to persuade me to cover up for you .

  20. 那听起来不像是故意要包庇某人吗

    Doesn 't that sound to you like he was trying to cover for someone ?

  21. 包庇罪研究

    Research on the Crime of Harboring Criminals

  22. 包庇犯罪是一类传统犯罪,在实践中常见、多发。

    Harbor crime is a kind of conventional crime , and is common in practice .

  23. 他说事情是他干的,但实际上他是在包庇一个朋友。

    He says he did it , but he 's covering up for a friend .

  24. 她也许是在包庇那个男孩

    She might be protecting this kid .

  25. 斯巴涅尔是因涉嫌包庇罪行而被起诉的第三名校方管理人员。

    Spanier is now the third school official to be charged in the alleged cover-up .

  26. 这个事件涉嫌包庇非法活动。涉及的是世俗而非宗教事务。

    It involved the cover-up of illegal activities . concerned with secular rather than sacred matters .

  27. 同时这个教区被指控包庇罪犯,而且教区本应意识到这些人员所造成的威胁。

    It also accused the diocese shielded offenders and should have known these threats they posed .

  28. 他包庇了一名逃犯。

    He sheltered an escaping prisoner .

  29. 滥用职权、擅自处理和袒护、包庇事故责任人的。

    Abuse of authority , unauthorized handling and shielding , shielding people responsible for the accident .

  30. 国家机关工作人员不得支持、包庇不正当竞争行为。

    Staff members of state organs shall not support or cover up acts of unfair competition .