
Rules on Banning the Infringement of Business Secrets
The article went on to discuss a violation of trade secrets identified standards and recognized practices should pay attention to the problem .
First of all , the author analyzes the constituents of the trade secrets infringement by analyzing the stipulation of infringement of common law .
The author will research the theory and practice about the Crime of Trade Secrets Infringement based of the grounds of its coming into being .
The rules on banning infringements of business secrets , for example , defined the " owner " of a trade secret as a " citizen , corporation , and other organization " and did not explicitly provide protection for foreign individuals or organizations .
On Infringement of Trade Secret
That is why the resulting acts of infringement of trade secrets and recurring serious damage to the commercial secrets of the legitimate interests of rights holders .
First of all , through the definition of commercial secrets , commercial secrets and the characteristics of infringement of business secret is summarized , the customer list as the business secret protection law basis .
The prohibiting prescriptions of unfair competition law in China , such as false advertisement , famous trademarks counterfeit and commercial secrets infringement and so on , provide a direct legal basis for folklore protection .
Against various infringement of business secret , the obligees need to take a series of self-protection measures to protect their own business secrets effectively with the legal help of some administrative , civil and penal means .
The subjective aspect is usually on purpose , but the criminal law stipulating the action of the third person infringing trade secret actually confirms the existence of negligence , which comes into conflict with the ultimate aim to protect intellectual property .
Law on Anti-Unfair Competition issued on September 2 , 1993 in China , for the first time legally defined the concept , scope and constituent conditions of business secret and several types of tort of business secret .
Different opinions on the classification of behavior of the crime of infringing commercial secret exist in academic circles . It is more appropriate to divide it into three category , that is , obtaining commercial secrets by improper means , disclosing commercial secrets illegally , using commercial secrets illegally .
Among the committing actions about the crime of infringement of commercial secrets , some of them are accorded with the necessary elements below and recognized as " illegal means " .
The second category is quasi-infringement act which is regarded as the crime of breaching commercial secret .
The acts of infringing on the business secrets and causing heavy loss to the obligee are the essential constitutions of the crime .