
wáng fǎ
  • the law of the land;the law;criterion
王法 [wáng fǎ]
  • (1) [the law of the land]∶古时指国家的法律、法令

  • 犯了王法

  • (2) [criterion]∶泛指行为准则

  • 王法必本于农

王法[wáng fǎ]
  1. 转眼之间你变成王法了,提格先生?

    Are you the law all of a sudden , mr , teague ?

  2. 她和丈夫都抗拒不得,因为那个地主是地方一霸,他的意志就是村里的王法。

    Neither she nor her husband was able to resist , simply because the landlord was the boss and hence the law in the village .

  3. 你简直没有王法了!

    Don 't you know we 've rules in this family ?

  4. 在这儿,我就是王法。

    And here , my law is the only law .

  5. 孩子,如果我是国王,我要制定王法。

    Child , were I king , I 'd yield my royal rule .

  6. 埃及王法老向一切倚靠他的人也是这样。

    Such is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who depend on him .

  7. 约瑟见埃及王法老的时候年三十岁。

    And Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt .

  8. 人子阿,我已打折埃及王法老的膀臂。

    Son of man , I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt .

  9. 并大力支持我们的王法。

    And uphold our rightful claim .

  10. 这个国家还有王法呢,你最好管住你那张嘴巴。

    There 's a law in the land still , and you better control that tongue of yours .

  11. 埃及王法老不肯容摩西带领神的百姓回应许之地。

    The Pharaoh or king of Egypt would not let Moses take God 's people back to the promised land .

  12. 他们在那里喊叫说,埃及王法老不过是个声音(或作已经败亡)。他已错过所定的时候了。

    They did cry there , Pharaoh king of Egypt is but a noise ; he hath passed the time appointed .

  13. 29约西亚年间,埃及王法老尼哥上到伯拉河攻击亚述王;约西亚王出去接战。

    In his days Pharaoh Neco , the king of Egypt , went up against the king of Assyria to the river Euphrates .

  14. 你进去对埃及王法老说,要容以色列人出他的地。

    Go in , speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt , that he let the children of Israel go out of his land .

  15. 耶和华使埃及王法老的心刚硬,他就追赶以色列人,因为以色列人是昂然无惧地出埃及。

    The LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of egypt , so that he pursued the israelites , who were marching out boldly .

  16. 6:27对埃及王法老说要将以色列人从埃及领出来的,就是这摩西,亚伦。

    These are they which spake to Pharaoh king of Egypt , to bring out the children of Israel from Egypt : these are that Moses and Aaron .

  17. 耶和华吩咐摩西、亚伦往以色列人和埃及王法老那里去,把以色列人从埃及地领出来。

    Now the LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron about the Israelites and Pharaoh king of Egypt , and he commanded them to bring the Israelites out of Egypt .

  18. 并他在埃及中向埃及王法老和其全地所行的神迹奇事。

    And his miracles , and his acts , which he did in the midst of Egypt unto Pharaoh the king of Egypt , and unto all his land ;

  19. 许多警察协助贩毒团伙而非抓捕他们,墨西哥许多地区没有王法,犯罪团伙横行,没有任何安全保障。

    Many police assist the cartels rather than be executed , and in many parts of Mexico there is no law BUT the cartels , and there is no safety .

  20. 一方面,佛教总是积极向政治靠拢,翼赞王法;另一方面,历史上各个政权也都拉拢不同的宗派作为自己的精神支柱。

    On the one hand , Buddhism approve to politics actively . On the other hand , the government in history hooked different sects of Buddhism as their own spiritual support .

  21. 从巴兰带着几个人来到埃及见埃及王法老。法老为他派定粮食,又给他房屋田地。

    Then taking men from Paran with them , they went to Egypt , to Pharaoh king of Egypt , who gave Hadad a house and land and provided him with food .

  22. 实际上,窦天章代表的却是封建统治集团的利益,促成窦娥雪冤的决定性因素是久违的亲情,而不是失衡的王法。

    In fact , the sinus-day chapter is representative of the interests of the feudal ruling led to the decisive factor Dou innocence is returning to the family , rather than the imbalance of law .

  23. 救他脱离一切苦难,又使他在埃及王法老面前,得恩典有智慧。法老就派他作埃及国的宰相兼管全家。

    And delivered him out of all his afflictions , and gave him favour and wisdom in the sight of Pharaoh king of Egypt ; and he made him governor over Egypt and all his house .

  24. 看哪,你所倚靠的埃及,是那压伤的苇仗,人若靠这仗,就必刺透他的手。埃及王法老向一切倚靠他的人,也是这样。

    Lo , thou trustest in the staff of this broken reed , on Egypt ; whereon if a man lean , it will go into his hand , and pierce it : so is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all that trust in him .

  25. 论到关乎埃及王法老尼哥的军队,这军队安营在伯拉河边的迦基米施,是巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒在犹大王约西亚的儿子约雅敬第四年所打败的。

    Of egypt : about the army of pharaoh-neco , king of egypt , which was by the river Euphrates in carchemish , which nebuchadrezzar , king of babylon , overcame in the fourth year of jehoiakim , the son of josiah , king of judah .

  26. 约西亚年间,埃及王法老尼哥上到伯拉河攻击亚述王。约西亚王去抵挡他。埃及王遇见约西亚在米吉多,就杀了他。

    In his days , pharaoh-necoh , king of egypt , sent his armies against the king of Assyria to the river euphrates ; and king Josiah went out against him ; and he put him to death at megiddo , when he had seen him .