
  • 网络scientific legislation
  1. 要实现科学立法,法律形式的相对吸纳化、立法逻辑的自下而上化、立法视野的全球化、立法案形成的专业化、立法效果的社会反馈化就是不可缺少的。

    In order to realize the scientific legislation , relatively absorbed law form , legis-lative logic coming from below , legislation ken 's globalization , the professionalization of forming legislation case , and social feedback of legislation effect are indispensable .

  2. 我们应坚持科学立法,增强法律的系统性和透明度,制定完善的外资管理法和对外贸易法,改革外贸管理体制,增强法制意识,提高自我保护能力。

    So we should persist in scientific legislation , strengthen the systematicness and transparency of laws , formulate perfect foreign capital management laws and foreign trade laws , reform the system of foreign trade management , reinforce legal consciousness and improve the competency of self-protection .

  3. 第一,科学立法理念未能使立法结构平衡协调。

    First , Scientific Legislative Idea fails to keep balance of legislative structure .

  4. 第二,科学立法理念未能突出国家立法权主体的地位。

    Second , Scientific Legislative Idea failed to highlight the status of national legislative body .

  5. 第一,树立科学立法理念在平衡现行法规规章体系结构中的核心地位。

    First , setting up Scientific Legislative Idea in the core status of legislation balance is important .

  6. 科学立法理念源于对经济法理念和立法理念的总结及再发展。

    Scientific Legislative Idea is originated from summarize and development of Economic Law Idea and the legislative idea .

  7. 第三,科学立法理念暂未充分在设置激励制度时发挥指导作用。

    Third , Scientific Legislative Idea has not yet fully played a guiding role in setting of incentive system .

  8. 一方面,我国要在科学立法理念的指导下,构建完善的防范金融衍生工具风险的法律制度框架。

    On the one hand , China should build a sound legal system framework to guard against financial risks of derivatives under the guidance of the scientific concept of legislative .

  9. 这需要科学立法理念在重整文化产业立法格局、确立法律总则规定、平衡不同地域之间法律法规来发挥宏观指导作用。

    This requires Scientific Legislative Idea plays the role of macro guidance in reforming legislation pattern of cultural industry , establishing of legal provisions , balancing between different regions in the law .

  10. 同时,提升立法者本身的法律素养和增进与民众的交流并举,不断增进科学立法理念在立法过程中的效用。

    At the same time , the legislators should enhance their legal literacy to promote the communication with the public and improve the effect of Scientific Legislative Idea in the legislative process .

  11. 科学立法是一国法律体系是否完善的价值判断标准之一,那么,如何科学解读科学立法的内涵及相关问题就是理论界和法治实践不能回避的。

    The scientific legislation is one of the value-judging standards which tells whether the country 's legal system is perfect or not . Then how to interpret the connotation and interrelated problems of scientific legislation is unavoidable to the academic field and the practice of rule by law .

  12. 要推进科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法,坚持法律面前人人平等,保证有法必依、执法必严、违法必究。

    We should make laws in a scientific way , enforce them strictly , administer justice impartially , and ensure that everyone abides by the law . We must make sure that all are equal before the law and that laws are observed and strictly enforced and lawbreakers are prosecuted .

  13. 不科学的立法是造成有法不依现象产生的前提因素。

    Unscientific legislation is the premise factor which results in the phenomena of failure to observe the law .

  14. 在社会,我们不但应该树立的观,也应该树立科学的立法观。

    In modern society , we should cultivate not only scientific view of development , but also that of legislation .

  15. 具体包括制定科学的立法规划以及全面系统的清理、调整现有法律。

    Specific legislative plan including the development of science as well as a comprehensive and systematic clean-up , adjust the existing laws .

  16. 而法律文本之制定,又须秉持先进的立法理念,遵循合理的法律原则,以科学的立法模式和正确的制度导向为指引。

    The formulation of legal text must stick to advanced concepts , follow reasonable legal principles and take scientific legislation mode and correct system as guidance .

  17. 我国网络著作权立法保护存在立法体系不科学、立法技术落后和立法内容不合理等问题。

    Some problems , such as the legislation system is not scientific , the legislative technologies are fall behind and the contents are not reasonable are existing in China .

  18. 中国海外投资立法至今还没有引起学者和立法工作者的足够注意,表现出相关立法严重滞后、监管立法欠科学、立法层次较低和透明度不高等诸多问题,影响了中国海外投资实践的发展。

    Legislation of China oversea investment exists lots of questions , such as low-level , not scientific and legislation-delayed etc. to which the expert and learner have no pay much attention .

  19. 最后,从科学的立法理念,立法应遵循的基本原则,应建立健全的基本制度和创立有效的监管机制等方面,提出构建我国宠物犬福利法律制度的设想。

    Finally , from the scientific concept of legislation , the basic principles of the legislation , establish a sound basic system and founded the supervision mechanism of effective , proposed pet dog welfare law system of ideas In China .

  20. 在立法过程中,应秉持科学的立法理念,明确个人信息法律保护的基本原则,加快立法步伐,注意中国法律的系统性,构建有机法律体系。

    In the legislative process , legislative idea should uphold science , defining the basic principles of the legal protection of the personal information , speed up the pace of legislation , pay attention to the system of Chinese law , organic law system construction .

  21. 法治文明与立法科学化&立法技术略论认真贯彻科技进步法保障科技事业发展

    Seriously Implementing the Law of Science and Technology Progress , amd Ensuring the Development of Scientific and Technological Undertakings

  22. 第二部分:编制科学的地方立法规划、计划,是提高地方立法质量的基础。

    Part II : Compiling a scientific local legislation plan is the foundation to improve the local legislation quality .

  23. [1]法律价值目标的不科学,造成立法和司法实践的矛盾和混乱。

    Non-science of the law value goal will result in the disorder and contradiction of judicature and legislation practice .

  24. 由于我国私募股权基金中存在问题,因而需要科学合理的立法和监管,但后者也同样存在很多问题。

    The issues in PE industry require efficient and reasonable legislation and supervision , but the later also have issues .

  25. 美国税收立法建立在完备的税收法律体系之上,并拥有科学的税收立法程序作为保障。

    American tax legislation is established upon perfect tax legislative system , it also has the scientific tax legislative procedure which guarantees the legislation .

  26. 一般来讲,一个科学合理的立法假定基本上源自以下几个方面而产生:政策要求、涉法事件以及立法目的。

    Generally speaking , a scientific and rational legislation assumes that basically derived from the following aspects : policy requirements , the law-related events , and legislative purpose .

  27. 美国政治科学协会的立法研究部门有自己的主页,包括时事通讯的电子版和其他立法机关的链接。

    The Legislative Studies Section of the American Political Science Association has its own home page , including the electronic version of its newsletter and other legislative links .

  28. 本章将首先介绍中国刑事诉讼过程中对待科学证据的立法现状与实务操作现状,并对之进行分析并提出初步的解决方案。

    This chapter first introduces Chinese current situation of legislation and practical operation of scientific evidence in criminal proceedings , and then analyses the situation and proposes a preliminary solution .

  29. 通过多年的司法实践运行,现有的法律制度对民事法律监督体系设计的不够科学,在立法上存在问题,造成司法实践中的分歧不断。

    Through many years of judicial practice run , the existing legal system of civil legal supervision system designed not scientific , legislative problems caused by the judicial practice of continuing differences .

  30. 结论部分笔者重申了文章的观点,呼吁建立执行财产分配优先主义配合一般破产主义的立法例,以具有前瞻性和科学性的立法引导执行实践。

    In the conclusion , the author restates the view of the treatise , and calls on constructing the legislative mode of the doctrine of preference of execution with general theory of bankruptcy , in order to direct the practice with more advanced and scientific legislation .