
  1. 科隆国际家具展卧室家具选萃

    The Choiceness of Bedroom Furniture in International Furniture Fair , Cologne

  2. 2007科隆国际家具展设计角写真

    Design Corner of Cologne 's international furniture fair , 2007

  3. 艺苑奇葩&科隆国际家具展设计与工程的历史回眸

    Magic Flower in Arts & Surveying the Design and Engineering of Cologne International Furniture Expo

  4. 2007科隆国际家具展综述

    Summary of IMM Cologne 2007

  5. 理想之屋2007科隆国际家具展

    Ideal House , Cologne 2007

  6. 今年月初在科隆的国际糖果及零食展中,新设计成为新产品的创意主流。

    At this year 's confectionery and biscuit trade fair ISM , held in Cologne earlier this month , a clutch of new designs contributed to the pool of new product ideas .

  7. 这个设计想法在2007年发表于他们在德国科隆的科隆国际设计学院中的论文里。

    The design duo came published the idea in 2007 in their dissertation at the K ? ln International School of Design in Cologne .