
  • 网络the debate of science and metaphysics;the debate between science and metaphysics
  1. “科玄论战”折射出科学理性与传统人文的冲突;

    " The debate of science and metaphysics " reflects the conflicts between science and the Traditional Humanity .

  2. 科玄论战性质新论&以科玄论战中的丁文江为中心的考察

    A New Explanation for the Nature of the Debate between Science and Metaphysics

  3. 中国科学社与科玄论战

    The Science society of China and the Debate between Science and Metaphysics

  4. 科玄论战对中国现代哲学的意义

    The Effect of " Controversy of Science and Metaphysics " on Modern China Philosophy

  5. 中国反科学主义如何可能&以科玄论战为例

    How is Ant-scientism Feasible in China & Take " The Controversy " for Example

  6. 科玄论战对中国文化哲学思潮发展的影响

    Effects of the Polemics between Science and Metaphysics on the Development of Chinese Cultural Philosophy

  7. 版本、编纂与修辞:思想社会史视角下的科玄论战

    Versions , Compilation and Rhetoric : Science vs. Metaphysics in Perspective of Intellectual History of Society

  8. 科玄论战还标志着早期马克思主义与自由主义的分道扬镳。

    The Controversy of Science and Metaphysics also marked the separation of early Marxism and liberalism .

  9. 科玄论战的主旋律、插曲及其当代回响(下)

    Main Melody , Episode and Its Contemporary Response in Debate of Science and Outlook on Life (ⅱ)

  10. 科玄论战发生于1923年,论战双方是科学派和玄学派。

    The polemics between Science and Metaphysics happened in 1923 , both parties were the Scientific school and the Metaphysical school .

  11. 科玄论战虽然结束了,但论战中提出的问题并没有随着它的结束而消失。

    Though the polemics between Science and Metaphysics was over , its asked questions had 't disappear along with the end of polemics .

  12. 文中对早期马克思主义与自由主义从问题与主义之争到科玄论战的分歧进行了简要的分析。

    This dissertation analyzes briefly the divergence from the " problem versus doctrine " to " The Controversy of Science and Metaphysics " between early Marxism and liberalism .

  13. 科学主义在五四时期通过中国科学社的积极活动和科玄论战确立了至尊的地位。

    In the time of May 4th 1919 , scientism established its utmost status by the activities of Chinese Science Organization and " controversy between science and metaphysics " .

  14. 铀的工业富集发生在矿源层褶皱成陆之后,成矿高峰则发生在中、新生代交替时期。科玄论战的主旋律、插曲及其当代回响(下)

    The main ore-forming episode was the transitional period between Mesozoic and Cenozoic . Main Melody , Episode and Its Contemporary Response in Debate of Science and Outlook on Life (ⅱ)

  15. 科玄论战作为一个极富有象征意义的文化哲学事件,深刻地影响着20世纪中国文化哲学思潮发展的走向。

    The polemics between science and metaphysics is a significant event of cultural philosophy , which influences deeply the development direction of Chinese cultural philosophy in the 20 th century .

  16. 关注梁启超的这些言论和实践,对从科玄论战之外全面考察梁启超与民初科学思潮的关系有重要的意义。

    What he said and did were of great significance for a thorough examination of the relationship between Liang Qichao the scientific trend of thought at the Beginning of the Republic of China .

  17. 科学主义与反科学主义的分歧与冲突在西方社会由来已久,中国20世纪20年代发生的科玄论战中两者的冲突现象也尤为明显。

    The contention between scientism and anti-scientism has continued for a long time in the West , which is apparent in " the controversy between sciences and metaphysics " in 1922-1923 in China .

  18. 中体西用论失败后,科玄论战中,玄学派所提出的东方文化的特性问题却具有更加重要的意义。

    After the failure of the theory " appliance of the western upon the Chinese as dominance " the metaphysical school put forward the more significant viewpoint about the special characters in the oriental culture .

  19. 20世纪20年代的科玄论战在本质上是一场面向民众(尤其是青年)的关于人生观的社会问题之争,其动机是对民众精神家园的争夺。

    The debate between " science " and " metaphysics " in 1920s was essentially a society problem dispute over facing the common people ( especially young people ) on " a view of life ", to scramble for common people 's mental world .

  20. 其次,沿着两种文化观在20世纪中国的演进,从五四新文化运动,科玄论战,战乱时期,到新中国成立后的时期,揭示了两种文化在中国所凸显的特性;

    Secondly , several historical events have revealed the true identity of the two cultures highlighted in China : from the " May Fourth New Cultural Movement ", the debate pf science and metaphysics , the period of war , to the establishing the " New China " .

  21. 在五四之前,王国维与梁启超有关科学与人文之困惑,是中国现代思想史及文学史上有关这一问题的萌发时期。而后,1923年轰动一时的科玄论战与其一脉相承。

    Before May Fourth Movement , the confusion of science and humanities , which Wang Guowei and Liang Qichao expounded and caused a sensation of the " Science and Metaphysics debate " in 1923 , is the rudiment of this problem in the history of modern Chinese thought and literature .

  22. 由他而挑起和主导的科玄大论战,是中国近现代科学文化启蒙史上的重大历史事件。

    " The Branch Unreliable Big Polemics ", which is guided by Ding Wenjiang , is a significant historical event in the enlightenment of Chinese modern history .