
  • 网络scientific fitness
  1. 提出了湖南城市社区体育发展的对策:改善社区公共健身设施、培育社区组织、拓宽融资渠道、倡导科学健身、引导健康理念、加强社会体育指导员培训及加强组织管理等。

    The authors put forward the following measures for developing urban community sport in Hunan : Improve public fitness facilities in the communities , establish community organizations , widen financing channels , advocate scientific fitness , introduce health conception , strengthen social sports instructor training , and enhance organization management .

  2. 科学健身视角下的社会武术指导员培养研究

    On Wushu Social Instructors from the Scientific Perspective Wushu Fitness

  3. 群众科学健身观念因素;

    The scientific gymnastical idea factor of the masses ;

  4. 关于高校学生科学健身问题探讨

    Probe into scientific body-building of college students

  5. 现代科学健身观与传统养生文化的比较研究

    Comparative study of modern scientific idea about keeping health and traditional culture of keeping health

  6. 加强领导带头作用,提高职工的参与度。4.加强宣传力度,培养科学健身观念。

    Strengthen the leadership to take the lead role in enhancing the participation of worker .

  7. 科学健身个性化指导体系的研究与应用

    The Research and Application of the Demonstration Project of the Scientific Personalized Guidance in Public Exercises

  8. 大学教师健康状况分析与科学健身方法研究

    An analysis of the university teachers'state of health and a research of the scientific methods of body-building

  9. 解决这些问题,必须加强对科学健身理论的认识,认真研究科学健身对策。

    To resolve these questions , we should strengthen the cognition of scientific body-building theory and enhance our ability of body-building scientific .

  10. 科学健身方法的普及是开展好全民健身活动的重要内容,是促进全民健身活动健康发展的前提。

    The scientific bodybuilding ways are the main contents of the public sport for fitness and they can also promote its development .

  11. 要利用零碎时间快速做全身性重量训练,不妨关上办公室的门,准备进行7分钟科学健身。

    For a fast , full-body weight-training and interval program , close your office door and cue up the Scientific 7-Minute Workout .

  12. 而五禽戏是传统体育项目,对其进行理论构建能丰富传统体育养生的学科建设,指导科学健身。

    However , Wuqinxi is a traditional physical sport . This observation can enrich science construction of traditional sports and instruct scientific body building .

  13. 从生物学上分析老年人的生理机能变化的特点,并提出适合老年人科学健身的运动处方和评价方法。

    By analyzing the changing characteristics of the old people 's physiology function , the paper puts forward prescription for scientific aerobics and evaluation methods .

  14. 编制出的运动处方软件,可为指导广大群众进行科学健身运动提供一个便利的使用工具。

    The movement prescription software worked out , can offer a convenient using tools for instructing the broad masses how to carry on the science body building .

  15. 结果显示:建立良好的体育生活方式是促进老年人身心健康的主要途径,是老年人科学健身、预防与治疗疾病、延年益寿的有效途径。

    The results show that healthy sports life style is effective in promoting the old people 's mental health , preventing and treating diseases and prolonging natural life .

  16. 认为传统养生文化蕴涵着现代科学健身观的几大构成要素,只有把传统养生文化同现代科学健身观进行有机的结合,才能构造有中国特色的全民健身运动体系。

    Furthermore , the combination of traditional culture of keeping health with modern scientific idea about keeping health can carry out nation-wide fitness program with the Chinese characteristics .

  17. 对武汉市经营性乒乓球俱乐部现状进行研究,在满足科学健身,推进湖北省乒乓球体育产业发展,完善乒乓球俱乐部体系等具有重要意义。

    Studying on current situation of Wuhan commercial pingpong clubs is of importance in satisfying scientific pingpong , pushing forward Wuhan sports development , perfecting pingpong market system .

  18. 心率是人体健康状况的一个重要反馈信号,合理控制健身过程中的心率,是科学健身的重要内容。

    Heart rate is an important feedback signal of the health status , it is necessary for people to reasonable control the number of heartbeats in the time of fitness .

  19. 体育理论知识教学是指导学生科学健身和健康生活的重要手段,但因现实中的种种原因而处于边缘地带。

    PE . theoretical knowledge teaching is an important means to guiding students fitness and to be healthy living . But in reality the various reasons , it has been reduced to a fringe .

  20. 改善健身环境,提高教练员指导水平,建立大众健美操俱乐部网络平台,是满足大众需求的科学健身体系的目标。

    The goal to meet the public demand of scientific healthy system is to perfect exercising surroundings , to enhance the level of coaches and to set up the network of the public aerobics clubs .

  21. 提高社会体育国民体质测试、科学健身方法和健康生活方式的科研水平和新科学技术的应用。

    Raise the scientific research level of the national physique monitoring and testing , the scientific health-building methods and the healthy way of life and the application of new sciences and technologies in these aspects .

  22. 随着人们健身意识越来越强,如何提高健身效果,如何获取科学健身的知识、如何掌握科学的健身方法成为群众的迫切需求。

    With people becoming more conscious of fitness , how to improve the fitness effect , how to obtain scientific knowledge of fitness , how to master the scientific method as the masses urgent health needs .

  23. 实施体质监测,提倡科学健身;通过科学健身形成良好的进取养生心态,乐观豁达的健康心态,保持良好的身体和精神状态,为更好的提高生活质量,幸福度过晚年生活,构建和谐社会服务。

    Carrying out physique observation and advocating scientific exercises ; They , through scientific exercises , have become more optimistic , healthy and enterprising , thus promoting their life quality and contributing to the building of a harmonious society .

  24. 为此,要采取措施普及科学健身知识和方法、优化体育人口结构、正确引导体育健身消费、全社会共同努力改善市民的健身环境和条件。

    It is then suggested that knowledge and methods for exercise should be further popularized , sports consumption be guided to a proper way , and circumstances and conditions for physical activities be improved by common efforts of the whole society .

  25. 本文采用文献综述研究的方法,提出合理运动,科学健身,以运动处方的形式指导人们健身锻炼,达到治疗疾病和增进健康的目的。

    The paper adopt to summarize document technique It is by this reason that the author would like to sum up a sports description to guide the people rational exercise and scientific body-building to cure the disease and improve their health .

  26. 提高大众体育健身的指导水平,促使老年人科学健身;加强老年人体育健身内容的开发,以促进老年人体育健身活动的开发和大众体育的发展。

    It should improve the guide level for fitness , promote the aged scientific body-building , strengthen the content development of the aged physical fitness , so as to promote the development of the aged physical activity and the mass sports .

  27. 管理层年龄结构偏向年轻,学历结构比较合理;2、大部分会员的锻炼还是比较有规律的,但是许多会员还是没有科学健身观念,没有养成良好的锻炼习惯。

    The younger age structure of the management of bias , the academic structure more reasonable , 2 , the majority of members of the training is still relatively regular , but many members still no scientific concept of fitness , did not develop good exercise habits .

  28. 用问卷调查和统计分析的方法,对医疗保险制度实施前后的职工健身运动的参与目的、运动行为量和科学健身、防病治病知识需求的变化进行了研究。

    By means of questionnaire and statistic analysis , a study has been made of the variations in healthy sport objectives . The amount of sport exercise and knowledge demands for health science , disease prevention and treatment before and after the practice of hospitalization insurance system .

  29. 目的是树立科学健身理念,使人们更加关注环境与人的关系。为建立室内健身环境评价指标体系提供依据。

    The purpose of this paper is to make the people develop the ideas of scientific body & building , pay more attention to the relationships between the environment and the human beings and provide the basis for setting up the system of evaluation quota of the body-building environment indoors .

  30. 运用科学的健身手段,简单的健身条件,在课外进行健身运动处方的锻炼,健身效果非常明显,具有一定的可推广性。

    The students have physical training under the advice of exercise-prescription is a way of application and dissemination .