
  • 网络the value of science
  1. 认识和肯定科学的价值

    Analysis and Affirmation of the Value of Science

  2. 科学的价值不是一元的,而是有结构的。

    The value of science is not unified , but has its own structure .

  3. 我们不能过高地估计现代科学的价值。

    We cannot estimate the value of modern science too much .

  4. 对科学的价值负载伦理的反思;

    Secondly , ethical reflection of the value loaded of science .

  5. 纯科学的价值中立观点。

    Neutrality point of view of value of pure science .

  6. 效用价值论不是一种科学的价值理论。

    Utility value theory is not a scientific value theory .

  7. 哲学社会科学的价值定位

    The Value Orientation of Philosophical and Social Science

  8. 人文科学的价值中立问题探析

    On " Value neutrality " of Human Science

  9. 透析科学的价值渗透

    Analysis about the Value Infiltration of the Science

  10. 科学的价值审视&科学的价值中立及价值负载

    Survey of Value of Science & Value Neutrality of Science and Value Loaded of Science

  11. 树立科学的价值观念,加强伦理道德的自觉修养;

    To establish a scientific sense of value and strengthen the conscientious accomplishment of morals ;

  12. 主体需要并非天然合理,以主体需要作为价值标准,必然导致混乱,它并不是一种科学的价值标准。

    However , that the criteria are not scientific for subject 's demand is not always reasonable .

  13. 同时又在新的人文视野中追求科学的价值,实现人类的幸福。

    In addition , in the new human 's viewpoint pursuit scientific value and achieve human 's happiness .

  14. 本文从哲学的视角对科学的价值及其科学价值的评价问题进行了新的探索。

    A new exploration is made philosophically of the value of science and the evaluation of scientific value .

  15. 改革的前提和基础是实现科学的价值选择和转变。

    The supposition and the base of the reform is the scientific achievement of the value choice and its change .

  16. 正确认识社会科学的价值属性与价值特征并对之进行合理有效的价值调控,这是繁荣发展社会科学的本质要求和重要条件。

    They are necessary to develop social sciences through correct understandings and adjustment of the qualities of social sciences and their characteristics .

  17. 编辑自身文化个性的修炼与完善,包括锤炼科学的价值观、树立全面的效益观,培养正确的创新观等内容。

    Finally , editors improve their own cultural qualities in shaping and cultivating views toward value , benefit , innovation and so on .

  18. 你可能会想,如果柏克莱拒绝任承认何物质的存在,那么他也就拒绝了自然科学的价值。

    You might think that if Berkeley denies the existence of any physical objects he is going to deny the value of physical science .

  19. 学校德育必须是在批判的基础上吸收西方现代化文明。无论面对怎样的一种社会文明,学校德育必须做出科学的价值取向并统一于现代化发展与社会进步之中。

    Whichever social culture it confronts , it must make a scientific value choice in accordance with the development of China 's modernization and society .

  20. 运用科学的价值工程原理,可以从众多设计方案中评选出最优方案,并可对设计方案进行优化。

    A excellent design scheme of project can be chosen out and optimized among several design scheme of project using the principle of value engineering .

  21. 首先,从科学的价值中立的渊源来考察,给科学的价值中立说一个合理的评价;

    The first is to consider the origin of the value neutrality of science , then pointing out a reasonable remark about the value neutrality of science .

  22. 最后,以树立科学的价值理性为基点,从哲学的视角探讨了消除技术异化,实现人的自由全面发展的具体途径。

    Finally , this article discussing how to eliminate technology alienation and realizing human freedom and comprehensive development based on the scientific value rationality and philosophical perspective .

  23. 通过在语文教学中有意识地挖掘情感教育的内容,着重培养学生健康的情感,正确的人生态度和科学的价值观。

    In language teaching by consciously tap emotional education , which focus on the emotional health of students , the right attitude towards life and scientific values .

  24. 历史证明,必须建立合理的社会体制,维护科学的价值中立性,弘扬独立之精神,自由之思想,才能推动科学不断向前发展。

    The history bears out that a reasonable social institution and the stand of keeping the neutrality of science will be beneficial in promoting the development of science .

  25. 我指的也是我们深切的道德依赖,就是说科学的价值必须植根于人世,我们的一切根基所在之处。

    I mean also our deep moral dependence , in that the value of science must lie in the world of men , that all our roots lie there .

  26. 目的对天然气储量建立科学的价值分级和评估模型,从而科学地评价其储量资产的价值。

    Aim The purpose is to design a model of value classification of natural gas reserves , so that the evaluation of the gas reserves value will be performed scientifically .

  27. 知识价值观是一种全新的科学的价值观,它正确地反映了人们对知识的态度、看法以及运用知识指导实践的能力;

    The value of knowledge is an entirely new and scientific concept , which reflects people 's attitude toward knowledge and their ability of using knowledge for guiding their practice .

  28. 对社区矫正进行科学的价值评判,多视角发掘社区矫正的模式冲突与选择路径,是当前中国社区矫正理论研究的重要任务。

    At present , it is very important to comprehend the value judgments of the Chinese Community Corrections and explore its mode conflict and choose the route from various visual angles .

  29. 构筑科学的价值导向,使青年大学生确立科学的、进取的人生观是目前高校思想政治工作的首要任务。

    It is the primary task of ideological and political work in universities to construct the guide for scientific value outlook , to make university students establish scientific and enterprising philosophy .

  30. 作为文化精神的人人成功理念,为文化化人的过程提供一个科学的价值坐标,并为文化化人的终极目标提供指向。

    Being a cultural spirit , the theory of " Everyone Success " provides a scientific value coordinate for the process and a direction for the final aim of the cultural foster .