
  1. 不能把科学与伦理问题截然分开。

    You can 't divorce science from ethical questions .

  2. 生命科学与伦理始点

    Life Science and the Beginning Point of Ethic

  3. 奥巴马称,前任政府在健全的科学与伦理价值观之间做出了错误选择。

    Mr Obama said the former administration had forced a " false choice between sound science and moral values " .

  4. 工具理性给教师教育带来了巨大危机:一是理论与实践的分离,二是科学与伦理的背离。

    Instrumental rationality brings tremendous crisis to teacher education : Theory is separated from practice , science is separated from ethic .

  5. 我们只能尽量通过规则建立秩序,以便确保收益永远不会损害科学与伦理。

    All we can do is to regulate it properly , create better guidelines so that profits never compromise the science and ethics .

  6. 我必须作出毁灭更多生命决策,所以我们要继续毁灭生命(译者注:这里布什又犯了满嘴跑火车的毛病)&我做的这个决策是平衡科学与伦理道德。

    I had to make the decision to destroy more life , so we continue to destroy life & I made the decision to balance science and ethics .

  7. 新旅游发展方式,是一种呵护自然生态、彰显人本关怀、坚守公平正义、凸显科学与伦理的文明发展方式。

    The authors believe that the new pattern is a civil development pattern which cares natural ecology , manifests humanistic concern , upholds fairness and justice , and highlights science and ethics .

  8. 正如科学与伦理是人类文化总体中两个相互区分却又相互联系的重要方面一样,科学精神与伦理精神虽然具有不同的本质和内涵,但却具有相互关联和统一之基础&自由。

    Just as science and ethics are different but related to each other , scientific spirit and ethical spirit also have their foundation of unification , although they are quite different in essence and connotation .

  9. 作为教师教育发展赖以生存土壤的本土知识的重要性开始为人们所重视,交往理性教师教育范式还克服了科学与伦理的背离,当今的教师教育已经反映出了这一范式转变的趋势。

    People have become aware of the importance of indigenous knowledge , which is the soil of teacher education . The communicative rationality paradigm of teacher education has also overcome the separation between science and ethics . Teacher education nowadays has already demonstrated this tide .

  10. 反之,按照人与世界融合为一的在世结构,则真理与价值、科学与伦理就有了内在联系的前提,科学的自由思考就能在伦理道德上是向善的。

    Vice versa , according to the living structure of human beings and the world melted into one , the truth and value , science and ethics have the premise of internal relation , thus the scientific free thinking can be kindness-oriented in ethical moral .

  11. 试论西方近代科学精神与伦理意蕴

    On Scientific Spirit and Ethical Implication of Modern Science in The West

  12. 对人类基因组研究的双向思考:科学价值与伦理难题

    The mapping research of human genes : its scientific values and ethic dilemmas

  13. 生命科学发展与伦理道德变化特点研究

    The Development of Life Science and the Investigation in the Change of Ethical Characteristic

  14. 科学意识与伦理道德意识建构之间的互动;

    Interaction between the consciousness of science and the construction of ethic moral concept ;

  15. 科学精神与伦理精神

    Scientific Spirit and Ethical Spirit

  16. 他从科学论断与伦理论断的差别中得到启发,建议将诸如“堕胎是错误的”这样的伦理陈述视为情绪的表达,而不是把它看作关于客观世界的论断。

    Struck by the difference between scientific and ethical reasoning , he proposed that ethical statements , such as " abortion is wrong ", be considered as expressions of emotion , rather than assertions about the world .

  17. 科学知识与生态伦理的耦合:文化进步的合理形态&阿尔贝特·史怀泽哲学的文本解读

    Combination of scientific knowledge and ecological ethics as a form of cultural progress & An interpretation of the philosophical text of Albert Schweitzer

  18. 现代大学教育的基本理念是以人为本、追求科学与自由的伦理精神。

    The fundamental principle of modern universities , nowadays , is that man should be centered and the desire for science and freedom should be advocated .

  19. 科学与伦理学&彭加勒伦理思想评介

    Science and Ethics & Comments on Poincare 's Ethical Thoughts

  20. 科学与控制自然的伦理透视&莱斯科学伦理观述评

    Ethical Perspective on Science and Dominating Nature ── Review of William Leiss ' Ethical Idea of Science

  21. 在当今科技异化的现实背景下,科学共同体已日益与伦理相联系,具有伦理的特性和功能。

    Under the background of dissimilation of science and technology , the scientific community has come to be related to ethics .

  22. 以科学伦理为中心的话语存在着多种言说方式,具有代表性的研究范式主要有伦理主义的决定论、协调科学与伦理关系的二元论以及反逻各斯中心主义等。

    The saying central on Science Ethic has many kinds of ways to express , the representative paradigm are determinism of ethic , dualism assorting with science and ethic and anti-logos centrism act .