
  1. 科学家传记文学以其独特内质和鲜明倾向别树一帜,是正在努力倡导科技进步的当今社会值得注意的一个重要现象。

    Biographies of contemporary scientists has developed a school of its own by its unique quality and colors , and also an important phenomenon in our society which encourages science progress .

  2. 中国近代农学的发展&科学家集体传记角度的分析

    Development of Modern Chinese Agronomy : Analysis in Terms of Prosopography

  3. 科学家的传记并不总是优秀的文学作品,但它们有极大的教育价值。

    The biographies of scientists are not always good literature , but they have immense educational value .

  4. 后者从数十位有代表性的中国当代科学家的传记和相关文献中概括出中国科学家创造性人格的10种基本素质:高尚的理想和志向;

    From the biographies and relevant literatures of tens of representative modern scientists in China , ten basic qualities of China scientists ' creative personality are summed up : the first is the noble idea and ambition ;

  5. 我喜欢读传记,尤其是那些著名政治家、军事家、科学家和艺术家的传记,他们的生平使我受益良多。

    I enjoy reading biograpies , especially those of well-known statesmen , militarists , scientists and artists . I can learn a lot from their life histories .

  6. 在物理教学过程中,通过对中外科学家、发明家的传记和发明创造进行适当的介绍,用他们锲而不舍、百折不挠、坚持不懈的优秀品质和献身科学的精神来教育学生,把德育渗透到初中物理教学中。

    Through introducing the biography and invention of Chinese and foreign scientists and inventors appropriately in physics teaching , Educators can educate their students with their indomitable , unremitting outstanding quality and dedicating spirit , and can permeate moral through junior middle school in physics teaching .