
lěng xiào huà
  • dry joke;cold joke;lame joke;THE BAD JOKE
  1. 冷笑话有着其独有的风格和特点,它的出现和传播必定有一定的原因。

    Cold joke has its unique style and features ; there must be some reasons for its emergence and dissemination .

  2. 第三章描述了冷笑话的特点及修辞方式,通过语言学相关理论对冷笑话的幽默进行了分析。

    In the third chapter , this thesis points out the characteristics of cold joke and analyzes its humor according to relevant linguistic theories .

  3. 对我来说,爱在身患残疾的儿子们给我的每一个拥抱里,在女儿对我的冷笑话给予的微笑里,爱在我的老猎犬和新宠物狗崇拜的目光中,在我胸前小憩喵咪的呼噜声中。

    It is there every time my handicapped sons give me a hug . It is there every time my daughter laughs at one of my dumb jokes . It is there in the adoring eyes of my old beagle and my new puppy . It is there in the purring cat that naps on my chest .

  4. 《猛鬼街》(NightmareonElmStreet)系列等影片的导演兼编剧韦斯?克雷文(WesCraven)说:就像一个被讲得太多的冷笑话,你不希望自己成为讲这个笑话的人。

    ' It 's like a bad joke that 's been around too long . You don 't want to be the one to tell it , ' says Wes Craven , the director-writer behind the ' Nightmare on Elm Street ' series among others .

  5. 她厌烦了她丈夫的冷笑话。

    She is tired of her husband 's stock jokes .

  6. 我就讲个冷笑话,提前给各位降降温。

    I speak a sneer words , advancing to decline for everyone .

  7. 你有没有冷笑话可以分享?

    Do you have any good cold jokes to share ?

  8. 这这是个玩笑或者说是个冷笑话

    That ... that was a joke or an attempt at one .

  9. 法兰克说了个冷笑话之后,便是一阵难堪的寂静。

    There was an embarrassing hush after Frank told an unfunny joke .

  10. 什么经过一个大门,小白兔的冷笑话。但从来没有谈到在或熄灭?

    What goes through a door but never comes in or goes out ?

  11. 贝拉克也给了人们无数的冷笑话。精彩的笑话。

    and Barack has treated the American people to countless dad jokes.The great jokes .

  12. 除了那个冷笑话,他在那场会议中的表现都很好。

    Except for the bad joke , he did a great job in that meeting .

  13. 是的,这就是冷笑话。

    Yep it is the frost joke .

  14. 马克喜欢讲冷笑话,但起码他女朋友会假装笑一下。

    Mark likes to tell lame jokes , but at least his girlfriend pretends to laugh .

  15. 别说冷笑话。

    And spare me the jokes .

  16. 你的冷笑话,和你毫不掩饰自己感受到的一切。

    and your bad jokes and your complete inability to ever hide a single thing you felt .

  17. 北极熊的冷笑话,如果你不感兴趣,你可以跳过这段。

    Joke of polar bear , You can skip it , if you don 't interested it .

  18. 但男性的情况却不同,他们似乎从最开始就对卡通画的趣味性抱有很大期待。女性对有趣的笑话的反应时间比男性略长,但却能更快识破冷笑话。

    The women took slightly longer than the men to react to jokes that were funny-but were quicker to spot duds .

  19. 女性对有趣的笑话的反应时间比男性略长,但却能更快识破冷笑话。

    The women took slightly longer than the men to react to jokes that were funny - but were quicker to spot duds .

  20. 又是一个冷笑话,但如果肉体主义者是对的,这就不是开玩笑了。

    That seems like a bad joke , but if the body theory is right , it 's not a joke at all .

  21. •“招聘经理问求职者有什么问题,他竟然用一个‘冷笑话’来回答。”

    • " when asked by the hiring manager if he had any questions , the candidate replied by telling a knock-knock joke . "

  22. 冷笑话不同于一般的笑话,它以其独特的制笑机制,能瞬间创造出一种特殊的氛围。

    Cold jokes are quite different from generic jokes because of their distinct way of laughter generating mechanism which can instantly create a special atmosphere .

  23. 你喜欢直接的,讽刺的,或是像英国的那种冷笑话?

    Do you like things that are obviously funny , or sarcasm , or do you have a dry sense of humour like the British ?

  24. 冷笑话就是一点儿也不搞笑的笑话;其真正的笑点,在于竟然有人讲这样的笑话。

    A'Cold Joke'is a joke that 's not funny at all , but the fact that somebody would tell such a joke is the real punch line .

  25. 本文主要从语言学角度入手,以冷笑话为研究对象,运用语言学理论对冷笑话进行分析。

    Proceeding from the angle of linguistics , the thesis chooses cold jokes as research object . The cold jokes are systematically analyzed based on linguistic and other theories .

  26. 他们往往对冷笑话抱着积极的态度,因此,可以说他们是冷笑话产生和发展的主力军。

    They hold a positive attitude to cold jokes . Therefore , we can say that they are the main force in the emergence and development of cold joke .

  27. 近些年,冷笑话作为一种特殊的幽默方式在互联网、电视节目、书籍杂志上广泛流传。

    Recently , cold jokes are popular on the Internet , in the programs on TV , in the books and the magazines as a special kind of humorous expressions .

  28. 本文总结了冷笑话的四个主要特点:以网络为载体、彻底的娱乐性、自身价值的两重性、后现代解构主义。

    This article summarizes the joke of the four main features : the network as the carrier , complete entertainment , the dual nature of their own values , post-modern deconstruction .

  29. 第二章是文献综述,给出了相关的定义,介绍了国内外之前对于幽默和笑话的研究以及冷笑话的相关知识。

    The second chapter is the literature review which contains relevant definitions , introductions to previous researches on humor and cold jokes as well as knowledge which are related to cold jokes .

  30. 在很短的时间内,人们会完全忘记你的冷笑话,人们对你的印象只停留在你是谁,而不是你说过什么。

    In a very short space of time , people will completely forget your failed joke and their impression of you will be formed on who you are rather than what you said .