
  • 网络scientific revolution
  1. 有的人认为,这样急速的变革是一次「科学的革命」,预示著近代的开始。

    Some have seen this flurry of activity as a " scientific revolution ", heralding the beginning of the modern age .

  2. 复杂性科学革命实质上是演化科学的革命,演化经济学的先驱也是复杂性科学革命的先驱。

    Complexity Scientific revolution is in essence a revolution of evolutional science , and the pioneer of evolutional economics is also the pioneer of complexity scientific revolution .

  3. 津巴布韦的科技部副部长PatrickZhuwawo宣布了会议的开幕,他说与世界其它地方一样,津巴布韦无法忽视纳米科学的革命。

    Opening the meeting , Zimbabwe 's deputy science and technology minister Patrick Zhuwawo said that his country , like the rest of the world , could not afford to ignore the nanoscience revolution .

  4. 影像科学的革命&2009年诺贝尔物理学奖简介

    The Revolution of Image : A Brief Introduction to the Nobel Prize in Physics 2009

  5. 再论分子生物学&科学的革命

    ON MOLECULAR BIOLOGY-Scientific Revolution

  6. 每一次科学的重大革命,都对人类的生活,工作方式发生着巨大的影响。

    Each scientific significant revolution , all to humanity 's life , the working is having the huge influence .

  7. 光电子信息技术将继微电子技术之后,再次推动人类科学技术的革命和进步。

    Following the microelectronics technology , optoelectronics information technology will be another factor to push forward the S & T revolution and progress of the human being .

  8. 科学技术的革命给医学事业带来了空前的发展机遇,也向广大医务工作者在精神、伦理、思想等方面提出了挑战。

    The revolution of science and technology brings with great opportunities for the development of medicine , and also provides medical staff with challenges in spirit , ethics and thinking .

  9. 因此,云计算孕育而生,带来了计算科学的一场革命。

    Therefore , cloud computing brought a revolution in computational science .

  10. 美国的“新经济学家”&一场科学和意识形态的革命

    THE AMERICAN " NEW ECONOMISTS " & A Scientific and ideological revolution

  11. 科学领域的范式革命与课程领域的危机推动了整体课程的诞生。

    Paradigm revolution in science and the crisis in the field of curriculum promoted the arising of holistic curriculum .

  12. 离子通道的活动是可兴奋细胞传递信息的基础,膜片钳技术的发明导致了生命科学的一场革命。

    Action of ion channel on membrane is the key events of messenger transduction for excitable cells , which can be detected by the patch clamp technique .

  13. 对此,必须正确认识马克思主义真理是科学的方法、革命的精神和现实的理想,它们构成马克思主义立场、观点和方法的本质内容。

    Hereon , we must realize that the truth of Marxism is the scientific method , the revolutionary spirit and the real ideality , which together constitute the essential contents of Marxist standpoint , viewpoint and method .

  14. 科学技术领域的革命带来知识产权法的产生与发展,也可以这样说,知识产权制度创新的历史也是科学技术进步的历史。

    Following the scientific and technical revolution , the intellectual property law was produced and developed , in my mind : the history of innovation in the intellectual property system is also a history of innovation about science and technology .

  15. 诱导多能干细胞(inducedpluripotentstemcells,简称iPScells)是通过将特定的转录因子导入分化的体细胞重编程而成,它的出现是生命科学领域的一次革命。

    Induced pluripotent stem cells ( iPS cells ) were derived from somatic cells by introducing specific transcription factors , which made somatic cells reprogrammed . The emergence of iPS cells was a revolution in life science .

  16. 混沌理论,20世纪自然科学的一次伟大革命。

    " Chaos Theory " is a revolution of physical science in the 20th century .

  17. 论科学中的数学观念革命&兼评科恩的科学革命观

    Analyses of the Scientific Revolution of Mathematical Concept & With Comments on Cohen 's Scientific Revolutionary

  18. 马克思主义作为科学的意识形态,具有革命批判功能和制度辩护功能。

    As the scientific ideology , Marxism has two basic function : criticism and defence for regimen .

  19. 从传统经济人到科学经济人的术语革命

    From the Traditional " Economic Man " to " Scientific Economic Man " in the Terms of Revolution

  20. 自然科学中的复杂性科学革命为演化经济学的发展提供了丰富的灵感来源,但借鉴其成果必须从经济实在自身的复杂性出发。

    The complexity scientific revolution in natural science provides abundant source of inspiration for the development of evolutional economics , but drawing the lessons of its results must come from its own complexity of the economical being .

  21. 21世纪中国高等教育的发展面临着两个方面的挑战:一个是以电子网络为先导的信息科技和以基因工程为核心的生命科学的世界性科技革命的挑战;

    The development of higher education in China in the 21st century is confronted with two-sided challenges . One is information science which electron network is the forerunner and world science and technology revolution of life science which gene engineering is the core ;

  22. 一百年前量子理论的兴起,如同在经典物理学城堡中发生的“科学爆破”,带来了一场科学和思想的革命。

    A century ago , the appearance of the Quantum theory caused a revolution of science and ideas just like a " scientific demolition " inside the castle of classic physics .

  23. 其历史演进的轨迹,可概括为以科学观念更新国民文化心理结构的诉求、科学社会化与社会科学化的探索和革命化、大众化的科学启蒙三个阶段。

    The historical course of socialization of science can be divided into three stages as follows : renewal of the cultural and psychological structure of the populace with scientific concepts , exploration of socialization of science and spread of science in the society , and the popular and revolutionary enlightenment .

  24. 科学技术的飞速发展,极大地改变了现代战场的面貌,引起了军事科学深刻的革命。

    Rapid development of modern science and technology which is triggered a profound revolution of military science has greatly changed battlefield .

  25. 一门科学的建立,往往是由于一种新方法的创立,而一门学科的发展,往往得益于新方法的采用,科学方法的变革必将导致整个科学的革命。

    The establishment of a science is often due to the creation of a new method , and the development of a discipline usually benefits from the adoption of new methods . The transformation of scientific method is bound to result in the revolution of science .